[ROOT] / doc / DocFrag / ARCCore.PCollection
Key | Value |
Assembly | ARCCore |
DocFragType | Class |
Name | PCollection |
Namespace | ARCCore |
Type | PCollection |
Key | Value |
AssemblyName | ARCCore |
BaseTypes | PRich |
ClassNamespace | ARCCore |
ClassType | PCollection |
Interfaces | IP; -IEnumerable<IKIP>-; -IEnumerable-; IGetKeysEqualToValue; -ITrySetPP- |
InterfacesDirectlyImplemented | IGetKeysEqualToValue; -ITrySetPP- |
SubTypes | DimAccountCollection; DimCustomerCollection; DimDepartmentCollection; DimEmployeeCollection; DimOrganizationCollection; DimProductCollection; DimProductSubcategoryCollection; DimResellerCollection; FactCurrencyRateCollection; FactFinanceCollection; FactInternetSaleCollection; FactInternetSaleReasonCollection; FactProductDescriptionCollection; FactProductInventoryCollection; FactResellerSaleCollection; FactSalesQuotaCollection; FactSurveyResponseCollection |
A class useful for storing a collection of entities (a table in RDBMS-terms) because it implements Indexing.
Uses Indexing for all keys ending with 'Id' (keys assumed to be foreign keys).
Example, for an entity type 'Order', you can create an inheriting class like this:
public class OrderCollection : PCollection {
in order to utilize indexing when searching for foreign keys in the 'Order'-collection, like 'Order/WHERE CustomerId = 42'
Note how TryParse choses a collection class with help from AllIPDerivedEntityCollectionClassesDict, but it does not necessarily have to inherit PCollection.
TODO: Consider introducing a generic type-parameter for the class for which we are a collection for.
TODO: See -PCollectionES- in ARCEvent for examples.
Generated 2024-12-26 16:19:03.276 UTC