Edit keys at this level only
Edit keys at all sub levels.
NOTE: Edits are always additive. Use 'Invalid' in order to delete keys.
Too many keys, unable to offer editing textbox in HTML
Total size of property stream for editing is 181643 characters while limit is 100 000 characters
Possible resolution: Try to edit at a sub level (sub key) instead
Edit single sub keys only: __TOCDet / Apple / Banana / Demonstrator / DocFrag / DocFragCollection / DocLink / DocLinkCollection / DocLinkResolution / DocLinkResolutionCollection / Documentator / DummyEnum / Extensions / HLocation / HLocationCollection / HTOC / HTOC+ParentChain / Orange / PKDocAttribute / SomeAppComponent / UtilDoc
Generated 2025-03-24 14:08:27.707 UTC