[ROOT] / doc / DocFrag / ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingle



MethodSignatureSystem.String ToHTMLSimpleSingle(ARCCore.IP, Boolean, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ARCCore.IKCoded])

Creates a simple HTML representation of the given parameter.

The properties are shown as a two column table with heading Key and Value.

By simple we mean that no Javascript library is involved, only standard HTML, CSS and Javascript.
By single we mean that no recursion will be performed (for recursion see Create).
Links are attempted inserted using 'linkContext' in order to generate relative links.

If 'linkContext' is given then
1) Its last value will be taken as the Key for what we is generated now.
2) Backlinking will be done (linking one step up in hierarchical structure, for instance going from '.../Customer/42' to '.../Customer' (viewing all Customers).

If 'linkContext' is not given then links will be generated as '/RQ/dt/...', that is, assuming a specific hierarchical structure. This usually works well.

If the link context contains a '*', it is assumed that from that level and down the hierarchical structure has been flattened into a single HTML page page, in other words, that the links are internally on the same page.This is in order to accompany wildcards in REST queries like 'RQ/Assembly/ARCCore/Class/ActualConnection/*.html'.

If you have a specific implementation of IP that needs a different HTML representation than what is offered by this method, then you can just implement a method with this same signature for that implementation.
You may also reuse functionality from here by calling ToHTMLSimpleSingleInternal.

Note that ARCAPI offers additional functionality for generating HTML views.
For instance this method is not very well suited to represent a uniform collection of objects, something which ARCAPI offers.
In other words, this method is very suitable for representing a single 'Customer' object, but not a uniform collection of 'Customer' objects (a 'CustomerCollection').

NOTE: If you actually implement this method (ToHTMLSimpleSingle) in your own class
NOTE: (something which you quite naturally will want to do).
NOTE: then it would by default (in .NET) not be called if the (statically known) type of the object
NOTE: at the time of invocation was IP (instead of the actual type).
NOTE: This extension method therefore uses reflection in order to look for a specific implementation NOTE: in the (dynamically known) type of the IP parameter NOTE: and calls that method instead if found.
NOTE: (this is also the reason for having ToHTMLSimpleSingleInternal.)
NOTE: See this article for more information
NOTE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30645441/extension-methods-with-base-and-sub-classes


Generated 2024-06-01 21:55:46.734 UTC