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62 items

ARCQuery.QueryProgress.ToJSONSerializeableARCQueryClassMemberOverride of default interface method -ToJSONSerializeable- is necessary because resulting data is 'hidden' within -Result-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionRel.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.UtilCore.DateTimeNowARCCoreClassMemberReturns DateTime.UtcNow unless -UseLocalTimeInsteadOfUTC- has been set to TRUE in which case DateTime.Now is returned.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocLinkResolution-
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimCustomerCollection.TryGetVARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCDoc.AppleP.NameARCDocEnumMemberThe name of the apple
ARCCore.IKTypeARCCoreClassIndex key used when storing a collection of a given type, like 'Customer'.
ARCCore.PValue<T>.TrySetPARCCoreClassMemberNOTE: -TryStore- is explicit aware that -PValue- and -PValueEmpty-
ARCCore.IP.TryAssertIntegrityARCCoreClassMemberAsserts the integrity of this entity.
ARCCore.IP.IsValidARCCoreClassMemberNote that by default all properties are 'valid' but because of -NoRealDeletion-, we must have a mechanism for invalidating properties. This property returns FALSE if property has been invalidated and timestamp for invalidation is not '0001-01-01'.
ARCDoc.BananaP.NameARCDocEnumMemberThe name of the banana
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimSalesReason.StorageARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberUses int-value of -__enum- minus 1 as index.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimReseller.TryGetCityARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReturns -City- through -DimGeographyId- with the help of -TryGetForeignField-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactResellerSaleARAdventureWorksOLAPClassRepresents a Reseller sale. See also -FactResellerSaleP- and -FactResellerSaleCollection-.
ARCCore.IKCoded.AllowedEncodedCharactersARCCoreClassMemberThe character set 'A...Za...z0...9-_().,='.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimCustomer.GetPVDirectARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCCore.Cardinality.IndividualItemsARCCoreEnumMemberValues are supposed to be set and 'deleted' individually.
ARCCore.REx.DecARCCoreClassMemberThis method should be called from inside a 'finally' block, in order to secure its execution, if not then your static recursion depth counter could slowly increase over time due to exceptions ocurring after call to -Inc- but before call to -Dec-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProductCategory.SetPVDirectARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TrySetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSalesQuota.TryGetPVDirectARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCCore.ActualConnection..ctorARCCoreClassMemberNote parameter-less constructor as desired for all classes inheriting -IP-.
ARCCore.AREnumType.PropertyKeyEnumARCCoreEnumMemberDesignates enums that describe relevant values for an 'entity' object like 'Customer'.
ARCCore.PP.CreatedARCCoreEnumMemberTimestamp when property was created in database.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimReseller.TryGetCountryARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReturns -EnglishCountryName- through -DimGeographyId- with the help of -TryGetForeignField-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionOrderBy.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProduct.TryGetNameARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReturns EnglishName.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimEmployeeP.SalesPersonFlagARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberNote: All instances of 'SalesPersonFlag = 0' has been filtered out at import
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.DoNotStoreLocalOriginLocallyARCCoreEnumMemberMeans 'do not store local origin locally but wait until it gets confirmed by core storage'.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimOrganizationCollection.TryGetVARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.TimestampARCCoreEnumMemberThe timestamp inserted at regular intervals in the -PropertyStream- according to -TimestampResolution-.
ARCQuery.TranslationsCollection.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.DummyEnum.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionDataStorage.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
Namespace ARAdventureWorksOLAP Namespace 
ARCCore.StreamProcessor+StorageFile.FilepathARCCoreClassMemberComplete path to file
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSurveyResponseP.DimProductSubcategoryIdARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'ProductSubcategoryKey' in original sample database
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimPromotionP.SpanishTypeARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'SpanishPromotionType' in original sample database
ARCCore.BaseAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimSalesTerritory.TryGetNameARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberAdds together -Country- and -Region- (leaves out Region if equivalent to country).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere.ValueARCQueryClassMemberThe Value should ideally be as strongly typed as possible. Note that it may be of type -ValueEnum- relevant for queries like WHERE Name = NULL.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.IsInheritedDocARCDocEnumMemberRelevant for class members (methods).
ARCCore.ActualConnectionP.ClientUpdatePositionARCCoreEnumMemberNote how this is stored both as -ClientUpdatePosition- (on the client side) and -ClientUpdatePosition- (on the server side).
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCCore.ActualConnection.InitializeOutgoingConnectionARCCoreClassMemberRelevant for -Outgoing-.
ARCQuery.StrictnessARCQueryEnumDescribes level of -Strictness- when executing query.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCCore.ARComponentsARCCoreEnumARComponents = AgoRapide Components. Contains short descriptions of the different 'official' AgoRapide components.
ARCCore.IKARCCoreClassIK = Interface Key / Index key. Key used to lookup 'inside' an instance of -IP-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimResellerPARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumDescribes class -DimReseller-.
ARCDoc.Orange.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProductARAdventureWorksOLAPClassRepresents a Product. See also -DimProductP- and -DimProductCollection-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimEmployeeCollection.GetKeysEqualToValueARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReturns properties which themselves again have key and value equal to the given key and value.

Generated 2024-09-19 20:59:12.580 UTC