[ROOT]  doc  DocFrag  SELECT Assembly, DocFragType, Description.FirstLine()   ORDER BY DocFragId DESC  >   <  LIMIT 250  >   <  SKIP 500  >   <  TAKE 500  >   SHUFFLE   SKIP 0   

500 items

NOTE: Only 250 elements of total 500 shown. Use SKIP and TAKE, or change LIMIT.

ARCCore.StreamProcessor.AddTimestampAsRequiredARCCoreClassMemberAdds -Timestamp- to the property stream (to -_queueReceive-) as specified by -TimestampResolution-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberInitializes this instance of -StreamProcessor-
ARCCore.TValueARCCoreClassPlaceholder for any class type suitable as generic type parameter -PValue-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor+StorageFile.FilepathARCCoreClassMemberComplete path to file
ARCCore.PCollection.TrySetPPARCCoreClassMemberReplaces default interface method -TrySetPP-.
ARCCore.TIP.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.UtilCore.ValidDateTimeFormatsARCCoreClassMember'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', 'yyyy-MM-dd'
ARCCore.EnumAttributeP.EnumNamespaceARCCoreEnumMemberThe namespace for -EnumType-.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstrateITypeDescriberARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -ITypeDescriber- for describing single-property values.
ARCCore.PKRelAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributeP.CardinalityARCCoreEnumMemberDescribes how multiple instances of a property is supposed to be handled.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.Extensions.GetValueARCCoreClassMemberGives better error messages when reading value from directory if key does not exist
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.ClientUpdatePositionARCCoreEnumMemberNote how this is stored both as -ClientUpdatePosition- (on the client side) and -ClientUpdatePosition- (on the server side).
ARCCore.Extensions.AddValueARCCoreClassMemberGives better error messages compared to 'original' Add when adding a value to a directory if key already exists
ARCCore.PExact<TEnumType>.GetPVDirectARCCoreClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCDoc.DocLink.LinkWordHTMLARCDocClassMemberCopy of -LinkWordHTML-.
ARCCore.IP.GetOrAddPVARCCoreClassMemberGets value. If not set then value will be added
ARCDoc.DocFrag.Create Overload2ARCDocClassMemberCreates a -DocFrag- object representing a class, class member, enum or enum member.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.TypeARCCoreClassMemberSee -Type-.
ARCCore.TIPARCCoreClassPlaceholder for any class type suitable as generic type parameter restricted to -IP.
ARCCore.EnumAttribute.GetAttributeARCCoreClassMemberThrows exception if tagged as -PropertyKeyEnum- and name of type does not end with capital letter 'P' (like 'CustomerP' for enum describing class 'Customer' for instance).
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocLinkResolution-
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.Subscription.SyntaxHelpARCCoreClassMember'+*' Subscribe to everything in database.
ARCDoc.DocFragPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocFrag-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.WriteToConsoleARCCoreEnumMemberIf true then incoming data (from other nodes will be written to console.
ARCCore.PKLogAttributeARCCoreClassExplains how logging of changes to a property should be done.
ARCCore.PValueEmpty.TrySetPARCCoreClassMemberNOTE: -TryStore- is explicit aware that -PValue- and -PValueEmpty-
ARCCore.PP.CreatedARCCoreEnumMemberTimestamp when property was created in database.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeValuePartARCCoreClassMemberConverts a single value part of a -PropertyStreamLine- to a format suitable for sending over a -PropertyStream-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorPARCCoreEnumDescribes class -StreamProcessor-.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCCore.IP.DecARCCoreClassMemberDecrements given property key by 1. Sets to -1 if not found. Uses long, not integer.
ARCCore.UtilCore.AssembliesARCCoreClassMemberAll relevant assemblies for application.
ARCCore.IP.AllIPDerivedTypesDictIKTypeARCCoreClassMemberSame as -AllIPDerivedTypesDict- except that value is -IKType-, not string.
ARCCore.IP.TryGetV Overload2ARCCoreClassMemberThe actual value of the property. Mostly relevant for single-value properties like -PValue-.
ARCCore.Subscription.ToTimeARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Implement concept of specifying ending-point in TIME (often for an -AdHocQuery-?).
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.AppleP.NameARCDocEnumMemberThe name of the apple
ARCCore.IKType.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberCaching is supposed to be useful because may be called quite often.
ARCCore.IKDateARCCoreClassA more memory efficient alternative to -IKString- (together with -IKLong-).
ARCCore.IKString.op_EqualityARCCoreClassMemberIt is quite natural in the code to write code like "if (a.CustomerId == b.CustomerId)", therefore the need to implement == and != operators here.
ARCCore.IP.OnTrySetPARCCoreClassMemberEvent handler to be called by -TrySetP- before it changes a property value (but AFTER it has done any validity checks, that is, after it has 'decided' to return TRUE, in other words, event handler should be called when change is guaranteed to go through, but before it actually has been done).
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeKeyPartARCCoreClassMemberConverts a single key part of a -PropertyStreamLine- to a format suitable for sending over a -PropertyStream-.
ARCCore.IP.TryParseDtrARCCoreClassMemberParses a PropertyStreamLine- beginning with -dtr-.
ARCCore.IKStringARCCoreClassIndex key for any general id, like primary-key or sequence-number or similar.
ARCDoc.DummyEnumP._MemberInheritedARCDocEnumMemberContains not only members which are inherited in the object-oriented sense, but also overrides for which the only documentation was found in base class
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionP.DocLinksARCDocEnumMemberThe possible links for -LinkWord-
ARCCore.Extensions.SingleARCCoreClassMemberSame as inbuilt LINQ's Single except that gives a more friendly exception message
ARCCore.StorageFile.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.PK.GetTypeMappingARCCoreClassMemberReturns the relevant property key for a given type entity-type and field-type.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.StoreFailureARCCoreClassMemberStores a 'ParseOrStoreFailure'-object.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.MultipleConnectionUsage.RoundRobinARCCoreEnumMemberThis connection to be used in a turn based system, together with other connections with -RoundRobin-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CurrentlyInitializingARCCoreEnumMemberSet to TRUE at initialization (signals for instance -ReceiveAndDistribute- that it can only queue messages, not process them).
ARCDoc.DocFragCollectionARCDocClassContains a collection of -DocFrag- objects.
ARCDoc.Documentator.CreateHTOCNamespaceARCDocClassMemberCreates a table of contents structured by namespace
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineARCCoreClassHas two main functions:
ARCCore.IKIP.AssertTypeIntegrityARCCoreClassMemberSee -TryAssertTypeIntegrity- for documentation.
ARCCore.PKRelAttributeP.EnforceReferentialIntegrityARCCoreEnumMemberIf TRUE then referential integrity will be enforced by -TryStore-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.DecodeARCCoreClassMemberDecodes string as encoded by -EncodeKeyPart- or -EncodeValuePart-.
ARCCore.PKLogAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCCore.EnumAttribute.TryGetAsTypeScriptARCCoreClassMemberGenerates typescript code corresponding to the enum which this instance describes.
ARCCore.DataTransferDirectionARCCoreEnumDirection for transfer of data.
ARCCore.Extensions.ToStringVeryShortARCCoreClassMemberReturns same as -ToStringShort- but without any generics information at all.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionARCDocClassContains a resolution page for a link word which has duplicate 'targets' (pointing to multiple -DocLink- instances).
ARCCore.IP.LogARCCoreClassMemberThe 'final' overload of -Log- that is called by the other overloads.
ARCCore.PConcurrent.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -PKRelAttribute-.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.InsertLinks Overload1ARCDocClassMemberDoes -LinkInsertionInDocumentation- on the given HTML content.
ARCCore.UtilCoreARCCoreClassUtility methods for -ARCCore-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CopyFileStructureFromCoreARCCoreEnumMemberIf TRUE, will copy the exact file structure (through information given in -ClientUpdatePosition-).
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributeP.DefaultValueARCCoreEnumMemberThe default value.
ARCCore.ExtensionsARCCoreClassContains a few general nice to have extensions methods.
ARCCore.Extensions.ForEachARCCoreClassMemberUseful when we want to write collection.ForEach( ... ) instead of
ARCCore.PK.AllPKEnumsARCCoreClassMemberAll -PropertyKeyEnum--tagged enums for the whole application.
ARCCore.EnumAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -EnumAttribute-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CountOutsideLocalReceiverARCCoreEnumMemberCount of calls to -OutsideLocalReceiver-.
ARCCore.PP.IidARCCoreEnumMemberInvalidator id, that is entity which set -Invalid- for this property (or removed / 'undid' the invalidation by setting the value to '0001-01-01').
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.UnderClosureARCCoreEnumMemberSet to TRUE if to be closed, whenever an exception occurs or when class goes out of scope
ARCCore.PKLogAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionP.SubscriptionARCCoreEnumMemberThe actual subscripton. This is what the connecting party / (downstream) client would send over its TCP/IP connection to the (upstream) server.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.CardinalityARCCoreClassMemberSee -Cardinality-.
ARCDoc.DocumentatorARCDocClassGeneral class for documenting AgoRapide and also your own -ApplicationSpecificCode-.
ARCCore.PK.GetAARCCoreClassMemberConvenience method for easy access to -BasePKAttribute- with corresponding explaining exception if fails
ARCCore.REx.IncARCCoreClassMemberIncreases recursive count.
ARCCore.PSPrefix.dtrARCCoreEnumMemberData, whole records.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributeP.TypeARCCoreEnumMemberThe type of this Property.
ARCCore.IKLong.op_EqualityARCCoreClassMemberIt is quite natural in the code to write code like "if (a.CustomerId == b.CustomerId)", therefore the need to implement == and != operators here.
ARCCore.IKCodedARCCoreClassUnderstands coded and unencoded variants of -IK-.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.InsertLinks Overload2ARCDocClassMemberSee overload with 'contentLocation' as parameter for documentation.
ARCCore.PP.VidARCCoreEnumMemberValidator id, that is entity which set -Valid- for this property.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsAddARCCoreClassMemberCorresponds to whether value starts with a plus sign, '+' or not.
ARCDoc.Apple.AddNameARCDocClassMemberConvenience method, not obligatory.
ARCCore.IKCoded.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberReturns -Encoded-'s string representation.
ARCCore.IKDate.ValidDateTimeFormatsARCCoreClassMemberNote: Be very careful about expanding this array. ToString must be considered, and also how Equals should work with other sub classes of IK.
ARCCore.IP.AllIPDerivedTypesWithPKEnumApplicationSpecificARCCoreClassMemberAll relevant -IP--derived types for the -ApplicationSpecificCode- part of the application for which also is defined a -PropertyKeyEnum-.
ARCCore.PConcurrentPARCCoreEnumDescribes class -PConcurrent-.
ARCCore.IP.ValuesARCCoreClassMemberReturns all the values (all the properties) for this instance.
ARCDoc.DocFragType.ClassARCDocEnumMemberDoes also include interfaces.
ARCDoc.Documentator.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCDocClassMemberAlternative ('override') to -ToHTMLSimpleSingle-.
ARCCore.PKLogAttribute.DoNotLogAtAllARCCoreClassMemberSee -DoNotLogAtAll-.
ARCCore.IKCoded.EnrichKeyARCCoreClassMember'Implementing' -ITypeDescriber-.
ARCDoc.DocFragCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
ARCCore.IIKII.PackParseResultForStorageInIKIIARCCoreClassMemberThis method corresponds to -PackParseResultForStorageInEntityObject-.
ARCDoc.DocFrag.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.IIKIIARCCoreClassRelated to -PII-, property for storing individual items
ARCDoc.BananaARCDocClassImplements -IP- directly and uses traditional property storage for optimum -MemoryConsumption- efficiency.
ARCCore.IP.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberNote that has a default implementation (doing nothing).
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.KeysARCCoreClassMemberThe keys part of the -PropertyStreamLine-, that is, everything before ' = '.
ARCDoc.DummyEnum.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.LinesARCDocEnumMemberNumber of lines of text in -Description- and -LongDescription- for this fragment.
ARCCore.IP.DeepCopyARCCoreClassMemberCreates a deep copy of this object instance, that is, a copy with all new object instances (except for immutable objects).
ARCCore.Extensions.ToStringDateAndTimeARCCoreClassMemberUses format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'.
ARCCore.PValueEmpty.ToPropertyStreamARCCoreClassMemberTypicall return value could be something like
ARCCore.PKRelAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionPARCCoreEnumDescribes class -ConnectionInstruction-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberNote relatively complex operation of 'restoring' original property stream line.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineWithOrigin.SendToLocalReceiverARCCoreClassMemberMeans 'send to local receiver regardless of origin'.
ARCDoc.Banana.ColourARCDocClassMemberAnnotated as nullable in order to keep flexibility of -PropertyAccess-, including what happens if values are not set (TryGetP etc)
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionARCCoreClassThe instruction about what connections to make (host, portnr, data transfer direction and so on).
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCDocClassMemberGives a friendly description about possible targets for LinkWord-.
ARCCore.IP.TrySetPPARCCoreClassMemberSetPP = set property of property. Sets property of entity contained within this class.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARCCore.IP.LoggerARCCoreClassMemberDescribes a logger.
ARCCore.UtilCore.TryGetTypeFromStringFromCacheARCCoreClassMemberCorresponding method for creating string-representation of type is -ToStringDB-.
ARCDoc.Apple.TryGetNameARCDocClassMemberConvenience method, not obligatory.
ARCDoc.Documentator.DocLinksARCDocClassMemberSet by -CreateAndInsert-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.ValueARCCoreClassMemberThe original (non-parsed, non-validated)) value part of the -PropertyStreamLine-, that is, everything after ' = '.
ARCCore.StorageFile.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.PRich.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.IKCoded.FromEncodedARCCoreClassMemberNote how uses instance cache if already exists there.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeValuesARCCoreClassMemberTypically used when turning -WholeCollection- into a value part of a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCCore.UtilCore.DoubleTryParseARCCoreClassMemberNote that treats ',' (comma) as decimal point (not as thousands separator).
ARCCore.DataTransferDirection.SendARCCoreEnumMemberLike -Client- sending in-application generated properties to -ArmDB- / -CoreDB- or -ArmDB- sending data received over an incoming connection to -CoreDB-.
ARCCore.PK.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionP.ServerPortNoARCCoreEnumMemberThe port number for which to connect.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePRichHierarchicalStorageARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PRich-, how it receives -PropertyStream--lines and builds up a strongly typed hierarchical object storage.
ARCCore.PRich.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PCollection.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.IKCoded.AllowedEncodedCharactersARCCoreClassMemberThe character set 'A...Za...z0...9-_().,='.
ARCCore.StorageFileP.HashARCCoreEnumMemberHash of storage file. Not implemented as of Apr 2020. It is envisaged to store hash-value as last line in storage file. In this case the hash must be the hash of the file excluding the last line
ARCCore.PValue<T>..ctorARCCoreClassMemberNote how this class does not have a parameter-less constructor (unlike all other -IP--derived classes in AgoRapide)
ARCCore.IP.GetKeysEqualToValueARCCoreClassMemberReturns properties which themselves again have key and value equal to the given key and value.
ARCDoc.Apple.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.PK+BasePKAttributeNotFoundException<T>ARCCoreClassExplains how to implement a given -BasePKAttribute- for an enum
ARCDoc.DocLink.LinkWordHTMLBeforeLtARCDocClassMemberIf -LinkWordHTML contains '<' (really '&lt;') (for generic types, like 'PValue<TValue>') then this will contain the part before '<' like 'PValue'.
ARCCore.IP.AllIPDerivedTypesDictARCCoreClassMemberProvides lookup of a type in -AllIPDerivedTypes- given its string representation.
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionP.ConnectionIdARCCoreEnumMemberUsually a combination of -ClientId-, -ServerHostName- and -ServerPortNo-.
ARCCore.UtilCore.EnumTryParseARCCoreClassMemberSame as the inbuilt .NET method -TryParse- but with some additional checks.
ARCCore.PK.ValidatorAndParserARCCoreClassMemberValidates and parses a value.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineWithOrigin.DoNotAddTimestampARCCoreClassMemberNormally -StreamProcessor- inserts the required -Timestamp-s in the AgoRapide storage.
ARCCore.PValue<T>ARCCoreClassSingle value storage.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.ClientUpdatePositionPathARCCoreEnumMemberComplete path to file containing -ClientUpdatePosition-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.TryParseARCCoreClassMemberGenerate list of <(IK key, Type valueType)> together with value from value part.
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttribute.EncoderARCCoreClassMemberSee -Encoder-.
ARCCore.PK.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberOnly type of PK, string or type of __enum is allowed to ask for (as TRequest generic type parameter).
ARCCore.IPIIARCCoreClassFuture expansion, using different classes for storing, not only -PII-.
ARCCore.MultipleConnectionUsage.SimultaneousARCCoreEnumMemberThis connection to be used simultaneously with other connections with -Simultaneous-
ARCCore.PValue<T>.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberSupports duck typing.
ARCDoc.Documentator.CreateHTOCStandardARCDocClassMemberCreates a 'standard' table of contents, structured by assembly and each assembly divided into 'Class' and 'Enum'.
ARCCore.UtilCore.UseLocalTimeInsteadOfUTCARCCoreClassMemberBy default AgoRapide operates only with UTC time.
ARCCore.PK.FromEnumARCCoreClassMemberReturns the corresponding -PK- instance from the given -PropertyKeyEnum-.
ARCCore.ParseResult.ResultARCCoreClassMemberWill be null if ErrorResponse is set.
ARCCore.PSPrefix.RSARCCoreEnumMemberRS = Registration Stream (see -RegStream-).
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.TimestampARCCoreEnumMemberThe timestamp inserted at regular intervals in the -PropertyStream- according to -TimestampResolution-.
ARCCore.PKLogAttributeP.DoNotLogAtAllARCCoreEnumMemberOriginates from -DoNotLogAtAll-.
ARCCore.Extensions.ToStringWithMSARCCoreClassMemberUses either format 'd\.hh\:mm\:ss\.fff' or 'hh\:mm\:ss\.fff' depending on TotalHours >=24 hours or not.
ARCCore.IP.AddPV Overload1ARCCoreClassMemberAdds a property value (as a -PValue-) for this objectThrows -KeyAlreadyExistsException- when relevant.
ARCDoc.DocFragARCDocClassDocFrag = Document fragment.
ARCCore.StorageFilePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -StorageFile-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.OutsideLocalReceiverARCCoreClassMemberThe outside (in the sense outside of this class) local mechanism which receives all -PropertyStreamLine- registered by this class.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.TryStoreARCCoreClassMemberStores the given -PropertyStreamLineParsed- in the given storage object.
ARCCore.EnumAttributeP.AssemblyNameARCCoreEnumMemberThe assembly in which this class resides.
ARCDoc.DocLinkPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocLink-.
ARCCore.EnumMemberAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
ARCDoc.Extensions.GetHelptextHTMLARCDocClassMemberReturns content of -Description- and -LongDescription-.
ARCCore.ConnectionInstruction.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberInitializes to sane values.
ARCCore.UtilCore.AssertCurrentlyStartingUpARCCoreClassMemberNormally called from non-thread safe methods that should be run single-threaded at application startup only.
ARCDoc.Documentator.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCDoc.DocLink.FilenameARCDocClassMemberCopy of -LinkWordHTML-.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.AttributeARCDocEnumMemberThe -BaseAttribute- or -PK- from which this -DocFrag- originates.
ARCCore.ParseResult.ErrorResponseARCCoreClassMemberWill be null if Result is set
ARCCore.PExact<TEnumType>..ctorARCCoreClassMemberSet capacity to the number of members in the -PropertyKeyEnum- for this class (minus the __invalid-value)
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollectionARCDocClassContains a collection of -DocLink- objects.
ARCCore.PSPrefixARCCoreEnumDescribes some recommended prefixes to use in a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCCore.PCollection.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.Apple.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PK.TryGetAARCCoreClassMemberConvenience method for easy access to -BasePKAttribute-.
ARCCore.EnumMemberAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -EnumMemberAttribute-.
ARCDoc.AppleARCDocClassThe most 'standard' way of implementing an entity-class in AgoRapide, by just inheriting -PRich-.
ARCDoc.BananaP.NameARCDocEnumMemberThe name of the banana
ARCCore.IGetKeysEqualToValueARCCoreClassInterface stating that implementing class does not use the default implementation of -GetKeysEqualToValue- (which does not use -Indexing-) but has replaced it with a more efficient implementation assumed to utilize -Indexing-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.ParseAndStoreFailSafeARCCoreClassMemberIf either parsing or storing fails then this method will call -StoreFailure- in order to keep some track of why parsing or storing failed.
ARCCore.TIP.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.TypeARCDocEnumMemberType of class or enum which this fragment describes (also relevant for class or enum member).
ARCDoc.DocLinkARCDocClassDescribes to where a single HTML link points.
ARCCore.IP.GetPVARCCoreClassMemberGets a single property's value for this object. Returns default value if not successful.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.NamespaceARCDocEnumMemberNamespace in which this fragment resides.
ARCCore.PValueEmptyARCCoreClassRepresents the 'no value'.
ARCDoc.DocLinkP.LocationARCDocEnumMemberThe location that this link points to.
ARCCore.PKRelAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -PKRelAttribute-.
ARCCore.IKCoded.TryEncodeARCCoreClassMemberReturns a string containing only characters in -AllowedEncodedCharacters-.
ARCDoc.DocFrag.Create Overload1ARCDocClassMemberCreates a -DocFrag- object representing an assembly or a namespace.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.IsObligatoryARCCoreClassMemberSee -IsObligatory-.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.StandardCleanerARCCoreClassMemberReturns a cleaner for well known types like bool
ARCCore.IKCoded.TryCheckValidEncodedValueARCCoreClassMemberChecks if encoded value is valid.
ARCCore.IP.KeysARCCoreClassMemberReturns all the keys for this instance.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.TryParseDirectToIPARCCoreClassMemberParses a series of -PropertyStreamLine- directly to the given type of -IP-.
ARCCore.PRichARCCoreClassFully flexible storage. Can store anything. Typical inherited for entity representations like 'Customer' or 'Order'.
ARCCore.PK.TryCleanValidateAndParseARCCoreClassMemberCleans and parses the value according to specifications for this property key.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -PKTypeAttribute-.
ARCDoc.DocLink.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.IP.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberGets a single property for this object
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsedARCCoreClassParses the keys part of a line from -PropertyStream-, like 'Customer/42/FirstName = John.
ARCDoc.Documentator.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.AddOrRemoveOutgoingConnectionsARCCoreClassMemberNot relevant for -CoreDB-.
ARCCore.PII.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberSince value is stored in keys, we need to override this method.
ARCCore.EnumAttributeP.EnumTypeARCCoreEnumMemberThe type of the enum (like type of 'CustomerP' in CustomerP.FirstName) that we are an attribute for
ARCDoc.DummyEnum.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.TIP.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.IP.AddOrUpdatePARCCoreClassMemberDuplicates functionality of SetP.
ARCCore.PP.CidARCCoreEnumMemberCreator id (entity which created this property).
ARCCore.Extensions.SingleOrDefaultARCCoreClassMemberSame as inbuilt LINQ's SingleOrDefault except that gives a more friendly exception message
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttributeP.EncoderARCCoreEnumMemberThe class doing the HTML-encoding.
ARCCore.IP.IncARCCoreClassMemberIncrements given property key by 1. Sets to 1 if not found. Uses long, not integer.
ARCCore.PReadOnlyARCCoreClassExperimental (from Feb 2022) class suitable for classes that do not need to be deserialized, or to accept write requests through -PropertyAccess-.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleAsTableRowARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the given parameter as a single two column row (Key, Value) in a table.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeKeysARCCoreClassMemberEncodes the key part of a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCCore.EnumMemberAttribute.GetAttributeARCCoreClassMemberNote that illegal to call for -PropertyKeyEnum-.
ARCCore.Extensions.ToStringShortARCCoreClassMemberReturns a shorter representation than -ToStringDB-.
ARCDoc.DocLink.LinkWordHTMLWithHyphensARCDocClassMember-LinkWordHTML- with '-' (minus sign / hyphen) prepended and appended.
ARCCore.StorageFile.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PKLogAttributeP.CountIntervalARCCoreEnumMemberFor a value of n, log only every n'th time the property is changed.
ARCCore.PP.ValidARCCoreEnumMemberTimestamp when property was last known to be (still) valid
ARCCore.PK.__enumARCCoreClassMemberThis information is also found as EnumMember.
ARCCore.DataTransferDirection.ReceiveARCCoreEnumMemberLike -Client- receiving data from an upstream -ArmDB- / -CoreDB- or -ArmDB- receiving data from an upstream -CoreDB-.
ARCDoc.Extensions.KeyToHTMLSimpleWithTooltipARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the Key with description as a 'tooltip'.

Generated 2024-09-19 20:54:57.340 UTC