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62 items

ARCCore.EnumAttributeP.EnumTypeARCCoreEnumMemberThe type of the enum (like type of 'CustomerP' in CustomerP.FirstName) that we are an attribute for
ARCCore.PK.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberOnly type of PK, string or type of __enum is allowed to ask for (as TRequest generic type parameter).
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributeP.DefaultValueARCCoreEnumMemberThe default value.
ARCCore.SubscriptionARCCoreClassA stream -Subscription- is the concept of how nodes (see -ARNodeType-) subscribe to the -PropertyStream- (either the whole stream or just part of it) in a distributed manner.
ARCQuery.RelationalOperator.NOTILIKEARCQueryEnumMemberCase insensitive string wildcard comparision.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimCustomerARAdventureWorksOLAPClassRepresents a Customer. See also -DimCustomerP- and -DimCustomerCollection-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactFinanceCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.Extensions.ResultARCCoreClassMemberReturns heading plus return-value of function (calls function). If function == null then empty string is returned
ARCQuery.FunctionKey.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberFind parsers from -Parsers- based on first word in query.
ARCCore.PRich.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimEmployee.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCAPI.BaseController.ToStringARCAPIClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.ClassAttributeP.SubTypesARCCoreEnumMemberDirect and indirect sub types of this class.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey+ForeignKeySingleStep.ForeignEntitiesCollectionARCQueryClassMemberThe collection containing all the (foreign) entities for the type that this step leads to
ARCDoc.Orange.SetPVDirectARCDocClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TrySetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimSalesTerritory.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.OrangePARCDocEnumDescribes class -Orange-.
ARCCore.ARConcepts.EventSourcingARCCoreEnumMember(related to -ARCEvent-).
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSalesQuotaCollectionARAdventureWorksOLAPClassThe existence of this class ensures that -Indexing- will be used for foreign key -DimEmployeeId-.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.NextQueryToExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTODO: This is somewhat loosely associated.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionPivot.GetCrossSummationCheckerARCQueryClassMemberReturns a cross sum checker for int, long, double, Timespan.
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactInternetSaleReasonCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCCore.IP.TryGetV Overload1ARCCoreClassMemberThe actual 'unpacking' of the object.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimEmployeeP.DepartmentARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'DepartmentName' in original sample database
ARCCore.ClassMemberAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the given parameter.
ARCCore.ARConcepts.AgoRapideHistoryARCCoreEnumMemberAgoRapide has roots back to 2011 when Bjørn Erling Fløtten invented panSL (SL = Schema language).
ARCCore.UtilCoreARCCoreClassUtility methods for -ARCCore-.
ARCCore.ClassAttributeP.ClassTypeARCCoreEnumMemberThe actual type that we are a -ClassAttribute- for
ARCQuery.BinaryOperatorKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCCore.IIKII.PackParseResultForStorageInIKIIARCCoreClassMemberThis method corresponds to -PackParseResultForStorageInEntityObject-.
ARCQuery.CompoundKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactProductInventoryCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimCustomerCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKeyARCQueryClassKey able to call read-only methods defined in the entity class with names like 'TryGet{FieldName}'.
ARCCore.EnumAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
ARCCore.IP.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberThe ToString()-implementation in the classes implementing this interface is supposed to give a short concise representation of the object for debugging and logging purposes, that is, intended for human consumption. The most 'important' implementation is probably the one in -PRich- (-ToString-) because that one is often the basis for your entity classes like 'Customer', 'Order' and so on
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactProductInventoryCollection.TryGetPARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.ClientUpdatePosition.IsGoBackARCCoreClassMemberHas to be translated by -StreamProcessor- into a concrete filename / index.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimGeographyP.CountryCodeARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'CountryRegionCode' in original sample database
ARCDoc.HLocationP.LocationARCDocEnumMemberFolder names / hierarchical levels.
ARCQuery.TranslationsCollectionARCQueryClassThis would consist of one key per language, with keys like "de_DE", "fr_FR", "nb_NO".
ARCAPI.GQController.APIMethodARCAPIClassMemberThe (only) API method that this controller supports.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.Program.InitializeStreamProcessorAndBuildDataStorageARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberInitializes stream processor.
ARCQuery.CompoundKey.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimResellerCollectionARAdventureWorksOLAPClassThe existence of this class ensures that -Indexing- will be used for foreign key -DimGeographyId-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSalesQuotaCollection.TrySetPPARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReplaces default interface method -TrySetPP-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.ReceiveAndDistributeARCCoreClassMemberProcess all messages in receive queue.

Generated 2024-09-19 14:14:29.508 UTC