[ROOT]  doc  DocFrag  SELECT Assembly, DocFragType, Description.FirstLine()   <  ORDER BY DocFragId   <  LIMIT 250  >   SKIP 1000   SHUFFLE   

739 items

NOTE: Only 250 elements of total 739 shown. Use SKIP and TAKE, or change LIMIT.

ARCQuery.ForeignKey+ForeignKeySingleStepARCQueryClassDescribes how to traverse between related entities.
ARCDoc.PKDocAttributePARCDocEnumDescribes class -PKDocAttribute-.
ARCCore.PValue<T>.ConvertObjectToStringARCCoreClassMemberConverts object to string.
ARCCore.PSPrefixARCCoreEnumDescribes some recommended prefixes to use in a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionLog.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionTakeARCQueryClassTakes a specific number of elements from the current query result.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAbs.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCDoc.Orange.NameARCDocClassMemberSee -Name- for more information.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.LocalStorageFolderARCCoreEnumMemberThe local path to which new properties are stored. Should NOT end with any trailing DirectorySeparatorChar
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeKeyPartARCCoreClassMemberConverts a single key part of a -PropertyStreamLine- to a format suitable for sending over a -PropertyStream-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineWithOrigin.SendToLocalReceiverARCCoreClassMemberMeans 'send to local receiver regardless of origin'.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionLimit.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountP.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCQuery.MemberEntityKey.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARCDoc.DocLink.FilenameARCDocClassMemberCopy of -LinkWordHTML-.
ARCDoc.Apple.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.UtilCore.GetExeptionDetailsARCCoreClassMemberGives as much information about exception as possible.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyType.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCDoc.DocLinkARCDocClassDescribes to where a single HTML link points.
ARCQuery.TranslationSinglePARCQueryEnumDescribes class -TranslationSingle-.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyDate.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionCommentARCQueryClassAllows insertion of SQL style comments (beginning with double hyphens / minus signs, '--') into queries.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyIntARCQueryClassRounds a double value to the nearest integer (uses .NET data type Int64 (long)).
ARCQuery.TranslationSingle.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CountOutsideLocalReceiverARCCoreEnumMemberCount of calls to -OutsideLocalReceiver-.
ARCDoc.Documentator.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.WriteToConsoleARCCoreEnumMemberIf true then incoming data (from other nodes will be written to console.
ARCCore.PValueEmpty.TrySetPARCCoreClassMemberNOTE: -TryStore- is explicit aware that -PValue- and -PValueEmpty-
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountPRec.CountPRecARCQueryClassMemberCounts recursively the number of properties for a given entity object.
ARCDoc.DocLink.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionShuffle.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateSingleARCQueryClassEnsures that the given list of properties contains only a single item and returns that item.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionShuffle.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey+EntityTypeAndKey.EntityTypeARCQueryClassMemberFor -IPRelationsKeysPointingTo-, corresponds to foreign entity type.
ARCCore.RExARCCoreClassREx = 'TooDeepRecursiveDepthException'
ARCDoc.DummyEnum.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateCountARCQueryClassCounts the number of properties found.
ARCCore.UtilCore.ValidDateTimeFormatsARCCoreClassMember'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', 'yyyy-MM-dd'
Namespace ARCAPI NamespaceA library providing an API on top of the -PropertyStream-.
ARCQuery.UtilQuery.IndexOfOutsideOfARCQueryClassMemberEquivalent to string.IndexOf except that any character encountered inside pairs of the 'outsideOf'-char are not counted.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCCore.UtilCore.DoubleTryParseARCCoreClassMemberNote that treats ',' (comma) as decimal point (not as thousands separator).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSelfCreate+ISelfCreateCollectionARCQueryClassProvides a standardized mechanism for describing classes that are able to autogenerate collection of themeselves.
ARCDoc.DocLink.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCDoc.Documentator.DocLinksARCDocClassMemberSet by -CreateAndInsert-.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyShortARCQueryClass'Smart' way of showing time. Removes unnecessary information.
ARCQuery.Query.ShouldTerminateARCQueryClassMemberAttempts to explain problem, in -TerminateReason- and by logging.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionAggregate.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey.TryGetPInternalARCQueryClassMemberThe internal executor, containing the specific functionality for how to evaluate the key.
ARCQuery.ValueComparer.TryGetNextARCQueryClassMemberSuggestion for next query (browsing 'forwards')
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyStreamARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyStream- by generating local data (documentation data) and writing locally to console.
ARCCore.PValue<T>.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberSupports duck typing.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCQuery.ForeignKeyDirection.ToOneARCQueryEnumMemberTraverse to one entity, like traversing from OrderLine to Order (based on OrderLine containing foreign key OrderId) or Order to Customer (based on Order containing foreign key CustomerId).
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.TranslationsARCQueryClassOffers a very simple system for keeping track of translation between different ("western") languages.
ARCDoc.Documentator.CreateHTOCInheritanceARCDocClassMemberCreates a table of contents structured by inheritance (classes and interfaces only, not members).
ARCQuery.Quantile.HEXADECILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 16 parts
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKeyARCQueryClassKey able to call read-only methods defined in the entity class with names like 'TryGet{FieldName}'.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionAggregate.AggregationKeyARCQueryClassMemberThis is often null (with -AggregationType- correspondingly set to Count-).
ARCDoc.DocumentatorPARCDocEnumDescribes class -Documentator-.
ARCQuery.NewKey.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyTotalMinutesARCQueryClassConverts a timespan to total minutes (as an integer).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionPivot.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCDoc.DocLink.AHrefEndPartARCDocClassMember'Filename.Encoded + "> + LinkWordHTML + </a>'
ARCQuery.NewKey.ParsersARCQueryClassMemberInstances of all the relevant sub classes of -NewKey-.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleAsTableRowARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the given parameter as a single two column row (Key, Value) in a table.
ARCQuery.FunctionKey.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberFind parsers from -Parsers- based on first word in query.
ARCQuery.MemberEntityKeyARCQueryClassCan find value for entity which is member of entity being queried.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.IncomingConnectionsPortNoARCCoreEnumMemberIf not set, then class will not listen for incoming connections (meaning that our application is probably a -Client-).
ARCCore.PValueEmptyARCCoreClassRepresents the 'no value'.
ARCDoc.PKDocAttribute.IsDefaultARCDocClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionThenBy.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberTHEN BY {key} [DESC] / [ASC]
ARCDoc.SomeAppComponentPARCDocEnumDescribes class -SomeAppComponent-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionComment.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.ValueComparerARCQueryClassCan evaluation expressions like 'WHERE Created = ThisYear.
ARCCore.PValue<T>.TrySetPARCCoreClassMemberNOTE: -TryStore- is explicit aware that -PValue- and -PValueEmpty-
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCQueryClassMemberAlternative ('override') to -ToHTMLSimpleSingle-.
ARCQuery.ValueComparerDateTime.IsIntervalARCQueryClassMemberNormally the interval which is compared against is the timespan corresponding to -Resolution-.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyAccessBananaARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyAccess- through the -Banana- class.
ARCQuery.Quantile.QUARTILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into four parts
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere+WildcardPositionType.AtStartAndEndARCQueryEnumMemberExample: '*ABC*'.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey.ReturnTypeARCQueryClassMemberThe type of the 'retval' out-parameter of the method.
ARCCore.REx.DecARCCoreClassMemberThis method should be called from inside a 'finally' block, in order to secure its execution, if not then your static recursion depth counter could slowly increase over time due to exceptions ocurring after call to -Inc- but before call to -Dec-.
ARCDoc.DocFragPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocFrag-.
ARCCore.UtilCore.TryGetTypeFromStringFromCacheARCCoreClassMemberCorresponding method for creating string-representation of type is -ToStringDB-.
ARCCore.UtilCore.TimeSpanTryParseARCCoreClassMemberAccepts on of the formats specified in -ValidDateTimeFormats-.
ARCQuery.ForeignKeyARCQueryClassCan find related values, through compound field names.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionHint.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberHINT {ON|OFF}
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.IsCommentARCCoreClassMemberSignifies that property stream line given for parsing started with '//' (two forward slashes).
ARCQuery.NewKey.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberFind parsers from -Parsers- based on first word in query.
ARCQuery.QuantileKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberReturns an integer with the number of the quantile group for the value returned by the given -CompoundKey-).
ARCCore.UtilCore.Culture_en_USARCCoreClassMemberUsed by -DoubleTryParse-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSkipARCQueryClassSkips the specified number of elements from the current query result.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyShort.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCQuery.CompoundInvalidKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.AddTimestampAsRequiredARCCoreClassMemberAdds -Timestamp- to the property stream (to -_queueReceive-) as specified by -TimestampResolution-.
ARCQuery.CompoundInvalidKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey.AllEntityMethodKeysForEntityTypeListARCQueryClassMemberReturns List sorted by Method Name of Value of Dictionary returned by -AllEntityMethodKeysForEntityTypeDict-
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionPivot.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCDoc.SomeAppComponentARCDocClassDemonstrates how also your actual application classes, not only your data classes, should implement -IP-.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorPARCCoreEnumDescribes class -StreamProcessor-.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere+WildcardPositionTypeARCQueryEnumPosition of wildcard in value, like '*ABC' (-AtStart-), 'ABC*' (-AtEnd-) and
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberWHERE {key} {operator} {value}
ARCQuery.AggregationTypeARCQueryEnumUsed by -QueryExpressionPivot- and -QueryExpressionAggregate-.
ARCDoc.DocFragCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionThenBy.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionStrict.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberSTRICT {strictnessLevel}
ARCDoc.Orange.TryGetPVDirectARCDocClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor+StorageFile.FilepathARCCoreClassMemberComplete path to file
ARCDoc.Documentator.CreateHTOCNamespaceARCDocClassMemberCreates a table of contents structured by namespace
ARCQuery.CompoundKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCDoc.Documentator.CreateAndInsertARCDocClassMemberCreates an instance of -Documentator- with a natural hierarchical representation of documentation attributes found in the given assemblies.
ARCDoc.AppleARCDocClassThe most 'standard' way of implementing an entity-class in AgoRapide, by just inheriting -PRich-.
ARCDoc.Orange.SetPVDirectARCDocClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TrySetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCCore.TValueARCCoreClassPlaceholder for any class type suitable as generic type parameter -PValue-.
ARCDoc.DummyEnum.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.SubscriptionARCCoreClassA stream -Subscription- is the concept of how nodes (see -ARNodeType-) subscribe to the -PropertyStream- (either the whole stream or just part of it) in a distributed manner.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstrateLogConsoleARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates a quite simple log console.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineWithOrigin.HasLocalOriginARCCoreClassMemberLocally generated data is not to be sent to -OutsideLocalReceiver-). We instead leave it to the 'outside' to decide if
ARCCore.StreamProcessor+StorageFile.LengthARCCoreClassMemberWrongly placed. Belongs to each individual revision file.
ARCQuery.QueryProgressARCQueryClassKeeps track of execution of query (that is, a query consisting of multiple -QueryExpression-), and also stores final result.
ARCQuery.QueryExpression.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberFind parsers from -Parsers- based on first word in query.
ARCCore.PValue<T>.DeepCopyARCCoreClassMemberNote that if the generic type (T) is not immutable, then what we return will not be a truly deep copy.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollectionARCDocClassContains a collection of -DocLink- objects.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.AllowedKeyCharsARCCoreClassMemberAllowed characters in the Key-part of a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ValueToHTMLSimpleWithTooltipARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the Value with description as a 'tooltip'.
ARCDoc.Apple.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountP.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCQuery.Quantile.MEDIANARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into two parts
ARCQuery.CompoundInvalidKeyARCQueryClassUsed as a practical solution in order to know that a given key has been attemped parsed, but was not valid.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the given parameter.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyVeryShort.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingleRecursiveARCDocClassMemberCalls -ToHTMLSimpleSingle- recursively.
Assembly ARCQuery AssemblyARCQuery provides a query language that mimicks SQL but is usable through HTTP as GET URLs.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyHourMinuteARCQueryClassFormats a timespan with only the hour and minute part. Uses format hh:mm.
ARCDoc.DocFragCollection.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey+EntityTypeAndKey.OppositeTermARCQueryClassMemberCorresponds to -PKRelAttributeP-.- OppositeTerm-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.ValueARCCoreClassMemberThe original (non-parsed, non-validated)) value part of the -PropertyStreamLine-, that is, everything after ' = '.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.LinesARCDocEnumMemberNumber of lines of text in -Description- and -LongDescription- for this fragment.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyLengthARCQueryClassReturns length of (string) value of field, like 4 for 'John'.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere+WildcardPositionType.AtEndARCQueryEnumMemberExample: 'ABC*'.
ARCDoc.HLocationCollectionARCDocClassContains a collection of -HLocation- objects.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeValuesARCCoreClassMemberTypically used when turning -WholeCollection- into a value part of a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.NextQueryToExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTODO: This is somewhat loosely associated.
ARCDoc.DocFragP.AttributeARCDocEnumMemberThe -BaseAttribute- or -PK- from which this -DocFrag- originates.
ARCQuery.FunctionKey.AddParserARCQueryClassMemberAdds a -ApplicationSpecificCode- parser.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionCache.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberCACHE {ON|OFF}
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionTake.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionP.DocLinksARCDocEnumMemberThe possible links for -LinkWord-
ARCQuery.UtilQueryARCQueryClassUtility methods for -ARCQuery-.
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingleInternalARCDocClassMemberHack in order to escape check for direct implementation in actual class of -ToHTMLSimpleSingle- in -ToHTMLSimpleSingle-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSelect.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCCore.UtilCore.EnumTryParseARCCoreClassMemberSame as the inbuilt .NET method -TryParse- but with some additional checks.
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCDoc.BananaARCDocClassImplements -IP- directly and uses traditional property storage for optimum -MemoryConsumption- efficiency.
ARCDoc.Extensions.KeyToHTMLSimpleWithTooltipARCDocClassMemberCreates a simple HTML representation of the Key with description as a 'tooltip'.
ARCQuery.Query.AllLogEntriesForThisQueryARCQueryClassMemberTemporary storage of log information.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyAccessAppleARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyAccess- through the -Apple- class.
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCDoc.Apple.AddNameARCDocClassMemberConvenience method, not obligatory.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.BinaryOperatorKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey+ForeignKeySingleStep.ForeignEntitiesCollectionARCQueryClassMemberThe collection containing all the (foreign) entities for the type that this step leads to
Assembly ARCAPI AssemblyA library providing an API on top of the -PropertyStream-.
ARCQuery.QueryARCQueryClassKeeps track of progress of query, and the interim result.
ARCDoc.HLocationCollection.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionPivot.AggregationTypeARCQueryClassMemberMost common value is -Count-, in which case -AggregationKey- may be correspondingly set to null.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionShuffleARCQueryClassShuffles collection in random order.
ARCQuery.QueryProgressP.StrCurrentTypeARCQueryEnumMemberNormally the -ToStringVeryShort- representation of the type of objects in the -Result- collection.
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountPRecARCQueryClassReturns the number of properties for a given entity object.
ARCQuery.TranslationsCollectionARCQueryClassThis would consist of one key per language, with keys like "de_DE", "fr_FR", "nb_NO".
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.DecodeARCCoreClassMemberDecodes string as encoded by -EncodeKeyPart- or -EncodeValuePart-.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionPARCDocEnumDescribes class -DocLinkResolution-
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionStrict.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionOrderBy.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberORDER BY {key} [DESC] / [ASC]
ARCDoc.HLocationCollection.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.Quantile.DECILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 10 parts
ARCQuery.ValueComparerDateTime.IsAfterARCQueryClassMemberThe modifier 'After' can be prepended in order to mean any time after the specified time.
ARCDoc.BananaPARCDocEnumDescribes class -Banana-.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey.AllEntityMethodKeysForEntityTypeDictARCQueryClassMemberReturns all -EntityMethodKey- in the class definition of the given entity type.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.PreviousQueryJustExecutedARCQueryClassMemberTODO: This is somewhat loosely associated.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsMatch Overload2ARCCoreClassMemberEvaluates this instance of -Subscription- against a single property stream line (which has been split up into its constituent elements).
ARCQuery.Quantile.VENTILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 20 parts
ARCDoc.SomeAppComponent.MethodDARCDocClassMemberSame as MethodC- but returns data ('Func<string>()' instead of 'Action()')
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyTMBARCQueryClassTMB = Thousands, Millions, Billions.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionDataStorage.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberDATASTORAGE {new hierarchical level} [link adjustment]
ARCDoc.DocLink.LocationARCDocClassMemberCopy of -Location-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionHintARCQueryClassDescribes if hints are to be generated (as query progresses) for potential new queries.
ARCCore.PValue<T>..ctorARCCoreClassMemberNote how this class does not have a parameter-less constructor (unlike all other -IP--derived classes in AgoRapide)
ARCQuery.RelationalOperator.NOTLIKEARCQueryEnumMemberCase sensitive string wildcard comparision.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionAggregateARCQueryClassAggregates over the given key.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyFirstLineARCQueryClassExtracts first line from string of text.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYearWeek.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCDoc.Documentator.ToHTMLSimpleSingleARCDocClassMemberAlternative ('override') to -ToHTMLSimpleSingle-.
ARCQuery.CompoundKeyARCQueryClassA class able to expand the concept of entity keys.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSelect.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCDoc.Documentator.TryGetPARCDocClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCDoc.HLocationP.LocationARCDocEnumMemberFolder names / hierarchical levels.
Namespace ARAdventureWorksOLAP.Controllers Namespace 
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.TryParseARCCoreClassMemberGenerate list of <(IK key, Type valueType)> together with value from value part.
ARCQuery.RelationalOperator.ILIKEARCQueryEnumMemberCase insensitive string wildcard comparision.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateSumARCQueryClassSums the given properties.
ARCDoc.DocLink.LinkWordHTMLBeforeLtWithHyphensARCDocClassMember-LinkWordHTMLBeforeLt- with '-' (minus sign / hyphen) prepended and appended.
ARCQuery.OrdinaryKeyPlusFunctionOrQuantile.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCDoc.PKDocAttributeARCDocClassDescribes documentation and presentation of a property.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyInt.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCQuery.NewKeyGetTypeARCQueryClassReturns the internal C# object type of the given object.
ARCQuery.ValueComparerDateTime.ResolutionARCQueryClassMemberSee -ResolutionEnum-.
ARCQuery.QuantileARCQueryEnumDescribes quantiles like -TERTILE- and -QUARTILE-.
ARCQuery.QuantileKey.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberNote that any value (positive integer greated than 2) is accepted, not necessarily only string-representations of enums within -Quantile-.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberNote relatively complex operation of 'restoring' original property stream line.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsRemoveARCCoreClassMemberCorresponds to whether value starts with a minus sign, '+' or not.
ARCDoc.DocFrag.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionTitle.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCDoc.HTOC.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.Apple.NameARCDocClassMemberConvenience method, not obligatory.

Generated 2024-07-05 14:45:57.145 UTC