[ROOT]  doc  DocFrag  SELECT Assembly, DocFragType, Description.FirstLine()   <  ORDER BY DocFragId   <  LIMIT 31  >   SKIP 813   SHUFFLE   

926 items

NOTE: Only 31 elements of total 926 shown. Use SKIP and TAKE, or change LIMIT.

ARCCore.REx.IncARCCoreClassMemberIncreases recursive count.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSelfCreate+ISelfCreateCollectionARCQueryClassProvides a standardized mechanism for describing classes that are able to autogenerate collection of themeselves.
ARCCore.PConcurrent.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.DummyEnumARCDocClassTODO: Document better what this is for (and change name)
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.TryParseDirectToPropertyARCCoreClassMemberParses direct to a given property value.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyTMB.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCQuery.QueryProgressP.TerminateReasonARCQueryEnumMemberThe reason for a query being terminated. This property should contain a user friendly message about the problem and how to fix it.
ARCDoc.ExtensionsARCDocClassContains various extension methods for -IP- and -IKIP- related to documentating / reporting / HTML.
ARCCore.IP.TrySetPPARCCoreClassMemberSetPP = set property of property. Sets property of entity contained within this class.
ARCCore.IP.GetOrAddPVARCCoreClassMemberGets value. If not set then value will be added
ARCCore.PPARCCoreEnumDescribes meta data for any class (property) implementing -IP-.
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
Namespace ARCAPI NamespaceA library providing an API on top of the -PropertyStream-.
ARCQuery.Quantile.DECILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 10 parts
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYear.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsRemoveARCCoreClassMemberCorresponds to whether value starts with a minus sign, '+' or not.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.UnderClosureARCCoreEnumMemberSet to TRUE if to be closed, whenever an exception occurs or when class goes out of scope
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.WriteToConsoleARCCoreEnumMemberIf true then incoming data (from other nodes will be written to console.
ARCDoc.BananaPARCDocEnumDescribes class -Banana-.
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.InsertLinks Overload2ARCDocClassMemberSee overload with 'contentLocation' as parameter for documentation.
ARCQuery.RelationalOperator.NOTLIKEARCQueryEnumMemberCase sensitive string wildcard comparision.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyAccessOrangeARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyAccess- through the -Orange- class.
ARCDoc.DocLink.LinkWordHTMLWithHyphensARCDocClassMember-LinkWordHTML- with '-' (minus sign / hyphen) prepended and appended.
ARCCore.PExact<TEnumType>.TryGetPVDirectARCCoreClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateJoinARCQueryClassJoins the given list of properties into a single property.
ARCDoc.DocLink.TryGetVARCDocClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.PValue<T>ARCCoreClassSingle value storage.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyVeryShortARCQueryClassReturns the -ToStringVeryShort- representation of the given type.

Generated 2024-09-19 20:48:11.445 UTC