[ROOT]  doc  DocFrag  SELECT Assembly, DocFragType, Description.FirstLine()   <  ORDER BY DocFragId   <  LIMIT 62  >   SHUFFLE   <  SKIP 1000  >   <  TAKE 1000  >   

739 items

NOTE: Only 62 elements of total 739 shown. Use SKIP and TAKE, or change LIMIT.

ARCQuery.NewKeyGetType.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCCore.ARConcepts.StandardAgoRapideCodeARCCoreEnumMemberCode originating from the main official AgoRapide distribution (which therefore does not include any end-application specific code)
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.ForeignFieldARCQueryClassMemberThe actual field in the final foreign entity to return value for.
ARCDoc.DocLink.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.ARConcepts.AssertionsAndDetailedExceptionMessagesARCCoreEnumMemberThe abstraction level in AgoRapide is very high.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimGeography.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.QueryExpression.TryParseARCQueryClassMemberFind parsers from -Parsers- based on first word in query.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorPARCCoreEnumDescribes class -StreamProcessor-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactFinanceP.DimDepartmentGroupIdARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'DepartmentGroupKey' in original sample database
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactProductInventoryCollection.TrySetPPARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReplaces default interface method -TrySetPP-.
ARCAPI.EditController.APIMethodARCAPIClassMemberThe (only) API method that this controller supports.
Assembly ARCAPI AssemblyA library providing an API on top of the -PropertyStream-.
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARCCore.PKTypeAttributeP.TypeARCCoreEnumMemberThe type of this Property.
Assembly ARCCore AssemblyA necessary library (.DLL in Windows terms) that every -ARNodeType- should link to.
ARCQuery.BinaryOperatorKey.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARCCore.PK.CardinalityARCCoreClassMemberReturns cardinality from -PKTypeAttribute-'s -Cardinality-.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionDataStorageARCQueryClassExperimental as of Mar 2022: Resets value for -DataStorage-
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountPRec.TryGetPInternalARCQueryClassMemberThe internal executor, containing the specific functionality for how to evaluate the key.
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyAccessBananaARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyAccess- through the -Banana- class.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimDepartmentCollection.TrySetPPARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberReplaces default interface method -TrySetPP-.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.ToJSONSerializeableARCQueryClassMemberOverride of default interface method -ToJSONSerializeable- is necessary because resulting data is 'hidden' within -Result-.
ARCCore.IKDate.EnrichKeyARCCoreClassMember'Implementing' -ITypeDescriber-.
ARCDoc.PKDocAttribute.PriorityOrderARCDocClassMemberSee -PriorityOrder-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSurveyResponse.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.PKDocAttribute.IsDefaultARCDocClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimOrganizationPARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumDescribes class -DimOrganization-.
ARCDoc.HTOC.HTOCContentThisLevelKeyARCDocClassMemberThe key used for storing the actual content at this level.
ARCCore.PP.VidARCCoreEnumMemberValidator id, that is entity which set -Valid- for this property.
ARCCore.SubscriptionARCCoreClassA stream -Subscription- is the concept of how nodes (see -ARNodeType-) subscribe to the -PropertyStream- (either the whole stream or just part of it) in a distributed manner.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyDoubleARCQueryClassConverts an integer to a double (decimal value).
ARCCore.BaseAttribute.IsDefaultARCCoreClassMemberDoes not have a corresponding -BaseAttributeP- since all attributes relevant for querying (for instance in the documentation) will be IsDefault = FALSE anyway. (if we had included it in -BaseAttributeP- it would just have led to a lot of confusing IsDefault = FALSE key-values showing up.)
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.IPRelationsKeysPointingToARCQueryClassMemberContains, for each (entity type) key, a list of entity types with foreign keys pointing to that entity type.
ARCCore.PKHTMLAttribute.TryRemovePARCCoreClassMemberShould probably never be used.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactResellerSaleP.DimProductIdARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'ProductKey' in original sample database
ARCDoc.Extensions.ToHTMLSimpleSingleRecursiveARCDocClassMemberCalls -ToHTMLSimpleSingle- recursively.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimAccount.GetPVDirectARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCCore.Cardinality.IndividualItemsARCCoreEnumMemberValues are supposed to be set and 'deleted' individually.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactSalesQuotaCollectionARAdventureWorksOLAPClassThe existence of this class ensures that -Indexing- will be used for foreign key -DimEmployeeId-.
ARCCore.ARConcepts.NoRealDeletionARCCoreEnumMemberAgoRapide has no real concept for deletion of data (apart from -DataRetention-, which is mostly relevant for 'old' data).
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstrateITypeDescriberARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -ITypeDescriber- for describing single-property values.
ARCCore.IGetKeysEqualToValueARCCoreClassInterface stating that implementing class does not use the default implementation of -GetKeysEqualToValue- (which does not use -Indexing-) but has replaced it with a more efficient implementation assumed to utilize -Indexing-.
ARCCore.IP.GetPVARCCoreClassMemberGets a single property's value for this object. Returns default value if not successful.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProductCategoryP.EnglishNameARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'EnglishProductCategoryName' in original sample database
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionSelect.SyntaxHelpARCQueryClassMemberSELECT {field-1}, {field-2} ... {field-n}
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCCore.Subscription.IsMatch Overload2ARCCoreClassMemberEvaluates this instance of -Subscription- against a single property stream line (which has been split up into its constituent elements).
ARCQuery.QueryProgressP.LimitARCQueryEnumMemberLimits the final HTML presentation of results (limits the number of elements being presented). Does not affect the query in itself. Used in order to avoid building huge HTML pages which will not be consumed anyway.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimResellerCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PRich.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.TryGetPInternalARCQueryClassMemberThe internal executor, containing the specific functionality for how to evaluate the key.
ARCCore.PSPrefix.dtrARCCoreEnumMemberData, whole records.
ARCCore.PII.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberSince value is stored in keys, we need to override this method.
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CountOutsideLocalReceiverARCCoreEnumMemberCount of calls to -OutsideLocalReceiver-.
ARCCore.ConnectionInstructionP.ServerPortNoARCCoreEnumMemberThe port number for which to connect.

Generated 2024-07-08 14:44:54.838 UTC