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62 items

ARCQuery.OrdinaryKeyPlusFunctionOrQuantileARCQueryClassA -CompoundKey- containing some function keys or quantile key operating on an existing property of the entity in question.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsRemoveARCCoreClassMemberCorresponds to whether value starts with a minus sign, '+' or not.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimAccountP.DescriptionARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'AccountDescription' in original sample database
ARCCore.IP.GetOrAddPVARCCoreClassMemberGets value. If not set then value will be added
ARCDoc.Orange.GetPVDirectARCDocClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TryGetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYearARCQueryClassExtracts Year-component from field.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionLog.ExecuteARCQueryClassMemberTransforms the given input collection into a resulting collection.
ARCCore.UtilCoreARCCoreClassUtility methods for -ARCCore-.
ARCCore.StorageFile.TryGetVARCCoreClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.PK+PKBoolPairARCCoreClassUsed to signify that a given -PK- returned from value factory inside -FromEnum- has not been initialized (has not yet been populated with -PKTypeAttribute- collection).
ARCCore.IKCoded.TryCheckValidEncodedValueARCCoreClassMemberChecks if encoded value is valid.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYearWeekARCQueryClassExtract year and week number from field according to ISO 8601 like '2021-51'
ARCQuery.TranslationSingle.ReferenceCountARCQueryClassMemberMay be set from outside, for instance with System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment.
ARCAPI.ResponseFormatARCAPIEnumThe response format, HTML or JSON, for an API request.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.AllowedValueCharsARCCoreClassMemberAllowed characters in the Value-part of a -PropertyStreamLine-.
ARCCore.Subscription.IsMatch Overload2ARCCoreClassMemberEvaluates this instance of -Subscription- against a single property stream line (which has been split up into its constituent elements).
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProductCategory.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateDistinctARCQueryClassReturns a list of the distinct values of the given properties.
ARCCore.ClientUpdatePosition.IndexARCCoreClassMemberIndex (zero-based) into file. Value of -1 means blank update status / no data received at all (or no data received for this specific filename)
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactCurrencyRateCollection.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.QueryProgress.ResultARCQueryClassMemberThis gets updated continously as the different query expressions get evaluated.
ARCCore.PKRelAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.QuantileKeyARCQueryClassMemberEventual final -QuantileKey- at end of compound key.
ARCCore.ARComponents.ARCAPIARCCoreEnumMemberA library providing an API on top of the -PropertyStream-.
ARCCore.PExact<TEnumType>.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimDepartmentCollection.TryGetVARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCCore.PRich.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimProductSubcategoryP.AlternateKeyARAdventureWorksOLAPEnumMemberCalled 'ProductSubcategoryAlternateKey' in original sample database
ARCCore.ActualConnection.SetSinglePropertyStreamReceiverARCCoreClassMemberSet by -StreamProcessor-.
ARCQuery.NewKeyToPropertyStream.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCQuery.QueryProgressP.UseCacheARCQueryEnumMemberDescribes if cache is to be used or not.
ARCQuery.CompoundInvalidKey.FunctionKeysARCQueryClassMemberAll -FunctionKey-s chained at end of compound key (but before an eventual -QuantileKey-).
ARCCore.PValue<T>.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberDo no cache this value, because memory consumption would then increase significantly in your applicationj
ARCCore.ARConcepts.StandardAgoRapideCodeARCCoreEnumMemberCode originating from the main official AgoRapide distribution (which therefore does not include any end-application specific code)
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimPromotion.SetPVDirectARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberHigh performance alternative to -TrySetP-, accessing -Storage- more direct.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimAccountCollection.TryGetVARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberNote that 'normally' this method would be irrelevant for a -PRich- object because we will usually be an entity object (like 'Customer') not having an intrinsic value ourselves per se (because we will instead be containing a list of values).
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.InsertLinks Overload2ARCDocClassMemberSee overload with 'contentLocation' as parameter for documentation.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionDataStorage.LinkAdjustmentARCQueryClassMemberSee -LinkAdjustment- for documentation.
ARCCore.Subscription.SyntaxHelpARCCoreClassMember'+*' Subscribe to everything in database.
ARCCore.PKRelAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -PKRelAttribute-.
ARCCore.BaseAttribute.InitializeARCCoreClassMemberTo be overridden in sub-classes, but do note that sub-classes are supposed to call base.Initialize() at end of their own initialization.
Assembly ARCCore AssemblyA necessary library (.DLL in Windows terms) that every -ARNodeType- should link to.
ARCAPI.DataStorage.ExternalReceiverARCAPIClassMemberTypically used by -AddController-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.FactProductDescription.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCQuery.CompoundInvalidKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.ToStringARCQueryClassMemberThe ToString representation is the one relevant when used as key, like in -IK- or when selecting like 'SELECT {fieldName}'.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey+EntityTypeAndKey.OppositeTermARCQueryClassMemberCorresponds to -PKRelAttributeP-.- OppositeTerm-.
ARAdventureWorksOLAP.DimCustomer.ToStringARAdventureWorksOLAPClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PP.IidARCCoreEnumMemberInvalidator id, that is entity which set -Invalid- for this property (or removed / 'undid' the invalidation by setting the value to '0001-01-01').
ARCCore.PKLogAttributeP.TimeIntervalARCCoreEnumMemberSpecifies a certain time interval for which the property's value shall be sent over the -PropertyStream-.

Generated 2024-09-19 20:51:36.113 UTC