[ROOT] / doc / toc / ARCAPI / Class / DataStorage / DocLinks

Note that may be null.

A collection of relevant keys from Storage, usually limited to Storage["doc"].

Enables LinkInsertionInDocumentation.
Originates (normally) from DocLinkCollection.Create.

Most relevant when querying (static) documentation because when storage is static then this parameter can be pre-calculated at application startup.
If on the other hand documentation storage is dynamically updated throughout the application lifetime then this parameter must also be continously updated, something which could have an unacceptable performance impact.

Often set at application startup with links to (static) documentation.
This will improve error message for instance, by enabling linking directy to the documentation in the error message.

NOTE: From Dec 2021 it it ASSUMED in AgoRapide in general that content here is static and will not change,
NOTE: In other words, that content may be accessed without any locking (see Lock).
NOTE: This significantly reduces the performance impact of NOTE: LinkInsertionInDocumentation.


Generated 2024-05-06 07:14:21.957 UTC