[ROOT] / doc / tocInheritance / ITypeDescriber / FunctionKey / FunctionKeyTMB

TMB = Thousands, Millions, Billions.

Formats big numbers in an easier to understand format as number of Thousands, number of Millions, number of Billions.
(Note that K (Kilo) is used for Thousands, like 10K = 10 Thousand).

Useful in economic reports where the magnitude of the numbers are more important than the exact numbers
(Note: Sorting on the generated values is difficult as of Jul 2020, because it is done alphabetically).

TODO: Introduce also KMGT for Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera etc (powers of 1000), and KiMiGiTi for (powers of 1024).

TODO: This function does not work well before 'ORDER BY' (QueryExpressionOrderBy), TODO: and we can not use it AFTER 'ORDER BY', because TODO: ordering is not kept between each QueryExpression (because keys are not required to be sorted in IP).TODO: Possible fix: Do not return PValue<string> but PValue<TypeX> where TypeX is understood på 'ORDER BY' through TOOD: some standard .Net mechanism for comparing.
TODO: The TypeX instance could then store both the double-value (for comparing) and its TMB-string representation (for displaying).

See SyntaxHelp.


Generated 2024-06-01 23:06:25.098 UTC