296 items
DimEmployeeId | BaseRate | BirthDate | Department | DimSalesTerritoryId | EmailAddress | EmergencyContactName | EmergencyContactPhone | EmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey | EndDate | FirstName | Gender | HireDate | LastName | LoginID | MaritalStatus | MiddleName | ParentEmployeeId | PayFrequency | Phone | Photo | SalariedFlag | SalesPersonFlag | SickLeaveHours | StartDate | Status | Title | VacationHours |
1 | 12.45 | 1993-01-04 | Production | guy1@adventure-works.com | Guy Gilbert | 320-555-0195 | 14417807 | Guy | M | 2017-03-22 | Gilbert | adventure-works\guy1 | M | R | 18 | 1 | 320-555-0195 | 30 | 2017-03-22 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 21 | |||||
2 | 13.4615 | 1998-01-23 | Marketing | kevin0@adventure-works.com | Kevin Brown | 150-555-0189 | 253022876 | Kevin | M | 2017-10-18 | Brown | adventure-works\kevin0 | S | F | 7 | 2 | 150-555-0189 | 41 | 2017-10-18 | Current | Marketing Assistant | 42 | |||||
3 | 43.2692 | 1985-08-04 | Engineering | roberto0@adventure-works.com | Roberto Tamburello | 212-555-0187 | 509647174 | Roberto | M | 2018-08-03 | Tamburello | adventure-works\roberto0 | M | 14 | 2 | 212-555-0187 | 1 | 21 | 2018-08-03 | Current | Engineering Manager | 2 | |||||
4 | 29.8462 | 1985-09-14 | Tool Design | rob0@adventure-works.com | Rob Walters | 612-555-0100 | 112457891 | 2021-02-19 | Rob | M | 2018-08-27 | Walters | adventure-works\rob0 | S | 3 | 2 | 612-555-0100 | 80 | 2018-08-27 | Senior Tool Designer | 48 | ||||||
5 | 29.8462 | 1985-09-14 | Tool Design | rob0@adventure-works.com | Rob Walters | 612-555-0100 | 112457891 | Rob | M | 2018-08-27 | Walters | adventure-works\rob0 | S | 3 | 2 | 612-555-0100 | 80 | 2021-02-19 | Current | Senior Tool Designer | 48 | ||||||
6 | 25 | 1970-04-20 | Tool Design | thierry0@adventure-works.com | Thierry D'Hers | 168-555-0183 | 480168528 | Thierry | M | 2018-09-02 | D'Hers | adventure-works\thierry0 | M | B | 267 | 2 | 168-555-0183 | 24 | 2018-09-02 | Current | Tool Designer | 9 | |||||
7 | 37.5 | 1985-12-09 | Marketing | david0@adventure-works.com | David Bradley | 913-555-0172 | 24756624 | 2020-04-05 | David | M | 2018-09-11 | Bradley | adventure-works\david0 | S | M | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0172 | 1 | 40 | 2018-09-11 | Marketing Manager | 40 | ||||
8 | 37.5 | 1985-12-09 | Marketing | david0@adventure-works.com | David Bradley | 913-555-0172 | 24756624 | David | M | 2018-09-11 | Bradley | adventure-works\david0 | S | M | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0172 | 1 | 40 | 2020-04-06 | Current | Marketing Manager | 40 | ||||
9 | 25 | 1966-10-08 | Production | jolynn0@adventure-works.com | JoLynn Dobney | 903-555-0145 | 309738752 | JoLynn | F | 2018-09-17 | Dobney | adventure-works\jolynn0 | S | M | 23 | 2 | 903-555-0145 | 61 | 2018-09-17 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 82 | |||||
10 | 13.45 | 1967-02-25 | Production | ruth0@adventure-works.com | Ruth Ellerbrock | 145-555-0130 | 690627818 | Ruth | F | 2018-09-28 | Ellerbrock | adventure-works\ruth0 | M | Ann | 189 | 1 | 145-555-0130 | 61 | 2018-09-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 83 | |||||
11 | 32.6923 | 1963-06-20 | Engineering | gail0@adventure-works.com | Gail Erickson | 849-555-0139 | 695256908 | Gail | F | 2018-09-28 | Erickson | adventure-works\gail0 | M | A | 3 | 2 | 849-555-0139 | 1 | 22 | 2018-09-28 | Current | Design Engineer | 5 | ||||
12 | 13.45 | 1966-12-17 | Production | barry0@adventure-works.com | Barry Johnson | 206-555-0180 | 912265825 | Barry | M | 2018-09-29 | Johnson | adventure-works\barry0 | S | K | 189 | 1 | 206-555-0180 | 64 | 2018-09-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 88 | |||||
13 | 32.6923 | 1969-12-01 | Engineering | jossef0@adventure-works.com | Jossef Goldberg | 122-555-0189 | 998320692 | Jossef | M | 2018-10-16 | Goldberg | adventure-works\jossef0 | M | H | 3 | 2 | 122-555-0189 | 1 | 23 | 2018-10-16 | Current | Design Engineer | 6 | ||||
14 | 63.4615 | 1982-04-23 | Engineering | terri0@adventure-works.com | Terri Duffy | 819-555-0175 | 245797967 | Terri | F | 2018-10-23 | Duffy | adventure-works\terri0 | S | Lee | 112 | 2 | 819-555-0175 | 1 | 20 | 2018-10-23 | Current | Vice President of Engineering | 1 | ||||
15 | 13.45 | 1967-05-23 | Production | sidney0@adventure-works.com | Sidney Higa | 424-555-0189 | 844973625 | Sidney | M | 2018-10-25 | Higa | adventure-works\sidney0 | M | M | 189 | 1 | 424-555-0189 | 62 | 2018-10-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 84 | |||||
16 | 25 | 1966-12-23 | Production | taylor0@adventure-works.com | Taylor Maxwell | 508-555-0165 | 233069302 | Taylor | M | 2018-10-31 | Maxwell | adventure-works\taylor0 | M | R | 23 | 2 | 508-555-0165 | 59 | 2018-10-31 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC50 | 79 | |||||
17 | 13.45 | 1967-04-03 | Production | jeffrey0@adventure-works.com | Jeffrey Ford | 984-555-0185 | 132674823 | Jeffrey | M | 2018-11-12 | Ford | adventure-works\jeffrey0 | S | L | 189 | 1 | 984-555-0185 | 62 | 2018-11-12 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 85 | |||||
18 | 25 | 1967-07-01 | Production | jo0@adventure-works.com | Jo Brown | 632-555-0129 | 446466105 | Jo | F | 2018-11-19 | Brown | adventure-works\jo0 | S | A | 23 | 2 | 632-555-0129 | 60 | 2018-11-19 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 80 | |||||
19 | 13.45 | 1966-12-26 | Production | doris0@adventure-works.com | Doris Hartwig | 328-555-0150 | 565090917 | Doris | F | 2018-12-01 | Hartwig | adventure-works\doris0 | M | M | 189 | 1 | 328-555-0150 | 63 | 2018-12-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 86 | |||||
20 | 25 | 1967-04-30 | Production | john0@adventure-works.com | John Campbell | 435-555-0113 | 494170342 | John | M | 2018-12-08 | Campbell | adventure-works\john0 | M | T | 23 | 2 | 435-555-0113 | 60 | 2018-12-08 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 81 | |||||
21 | 13.45 | 1966-12-20 | Production | diane0@adventure-works.com | Diane Glimp | 202-555-0151 | 9659517 | Diane | F | 2018-12-19 | Glimp | adventure-works\diane0 | M | R | 189 | 1 | 202-555-0151 | 63 | 2018-12-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 87 | |||||
22 | 9.5 | 1988-02-04 | Production | steven0@adventure-works.com | Steven Selikoff | 925-555-0114 | 443968955 | Steven | M | 2019-08-24 | Selikoff | adventure-works\steven0 | M | T | 177 | 1 | 925-555-0114 | 40 | 2019-08-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 41 | |||||
23 | 24.5192 | 1993-07-26 | Production Control | peter0@adventure-works.com | Peter Krebs | 913-555-0196 | 277173473 | Peter | M | 2019-08-24 | Krebs | adventure-works\peter0 | M | J | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0196 | 1 | 41 | 2019-08-24 | Current | Production Control Manager | 43 | ||||
24 | 10 | 1973-06-05 | Production | stuart0@adventure-works.com | Stuart Munson | 413-555-0136 | 835460180 | Stuart | M | 2019-08-25 | Munson | adventure-works\stuart0 | S | V | 201 | 1 | 413-555-0136 | 62 | 2019-08-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 84 | |||||
25 | 10 | 1987-01-07 | Production | greg0@adventure-works.com | Greg Alderson | 332-555-0150 | 687685941 | Greg | M | 2019-08-25 | Alderson | adventure-works\greg0 | S | F | 201 | 1 | 332-555-0150 | 62 | 2019-08-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 85 | |||||
26 | 9.5 | 1990-07-25 | Production | david1@adventure-works.com | David Johnson | 166-555-0162 | 498138869 | David | M | 2019-08-25 | Johnson | adventure-works\david1 | S | N | 188 | 1 | 166-555-0162 | 32 | 2019-08-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 25 | |||||
27 | 25 | 1994-07-18 | Production | zheng0@adventure-works.com | Zheng Mu | 113-555-0173 | 360868122 | Zheng | M | 2019-08-26 | Mu | adventure-works\zheng0 | S | W | 23 | 2 | 113-555-0173 | 53 | 2019-08-26 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC10 | 66 | |||||
28 | 14 | 1992-09-25 | Production | ivo0@adventure-works.com | Ivo Salmre | 115-555-0179 | 964089218 | Ivo | M | 2019-08-27 | Salmre | adventure-works\ivo0 | M | William | 111 | 1 | 115-555-0179 | 24 | 2019-08-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 9 | |||||
29 | 15 | 1991-08-06 | Production | paul0@adventure-works.com | Paul Komosinski | 147-555-0160 | 384162788 | Paul | M | 2019-08-27 | Komosinski | adventure-works\paul0 | S | B | 89 | 1 | 147-555-0160 | 54 | 2019-08-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 68 | |||||
30 | 32.4519 | 1987-12-18 | Information Services | ashvini0@adventure-works.com | Ashvini Sharma | 656-555-0119 | 749389530 | Ashvini | M | 2019-08-27 | Sharma | adventure-works\ashvini0 | S | R | 154 | 2 | 656-555-0119 | 55 | 2019-08-27 | Current | Network Administrator | 70 | |||||
31 | 11 | 1997-02-19 | Production | kendall0@adventure-works.com | Kendall Keil | 138-555-0128 | 571658797 | Kendall | M | 2019-08-28 | Keil | adventure-works\kendall0 | M | C | 16 | 1 | 138-555-0128 | 25 | 2019-08-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 11 | |||||
32 | 27.1394 | 1986-11-03 | Human Resources | paula0@adventure-works.com | Paula Barreto de Mattos | 523-555-0175 | 535145551 | Paula | F | 2019-08-29 | Barreto de Mattos | adventure-works\paula0 | M | M | 143 | 2 | 523-555-0175 | 1 | 47 | 2019-08-29 | Current | Human Resources Manager | 54 | ||||
33 | 15 | 1999-08-28 | Production | alejandro0@adventure-works.com | Alejandro McGuel | 668-555-0130 | 761597760 | Alejandro | M | 2019-08-29 | McGuel | adventure-works\alejandro0 | S | E | 214 | 1 | 668-555-0130 | 46 | 2019-08-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 52 | |||||
34 | 9.5 | 1995-05-18 | Production | garrett0@adventure-works.com | Garrett Young | 609-555-0179 | 271438431 | Garrett | M | 2019-08-30 | Young | adventure-works\garrett0 | S | R | 188 | 1 | 609-555-0179 | 37 | 2019-08-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 34 | |||||
35 | 9.5 | 1994-04-18 | Production | jianshuo0@adventure-works.com | Jian Shuo Wang | 952-555-0178 | 160739235 | Jian Shuo | M | 2019-08-30 | Wang | adventure-works\jianshuo0 | S | 138 | 1 | 952-555-0178 | 38 | 2019-08-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 36 | ||||||
36 | 9 | 1988-11-09 | Shipping and Receiving | susan0@adventure-works.com | Susan Eaton | 943-555-0196 | 586486572 | Susan | F | 2019-08-30 | Eaton | adventure-works\susan0 | S | W | 87 | 1 | 943-555-0196 | 68 | 2019-08-30 | Current | Stocker | 97 | |||||
37 | 9.5 | 1987-12-09 | Shipping and Receiving | vamsi0@adventure-works.com | Vamsi Kuppa | 937-555-0137 | 337752649 | Vamsi | M | 2019-08-30 | Kuppa | adventure-works\vamsi0 | M | N | 87 | 2 | 937-555-0137 | 67 | 2019-08-30 | Current | Shipping and Receiving Clerk | 95 | |||||
38 | 11 | 1988-10-18 | Production | alice0@adventure-works.com | Alice Ciccu | 333-555-0173 | 113695504 | Alice | F | 2019-08-30 | Ciccu | adventure-works\alice0 | M | O | 40 | 1 | 333-555-0173 | 67 | 2019-08-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 95 | |||||
39 | 12.45 | 2001-02-06 | Production | simon0@adventure-works.com | Simon Rapier | 963-555-0134 | 276751903 | Simon | M | 2019-08-31 | Rapier | adventure-works\simon0 | S | D | 9 | 1 | 963-555-0134 | 39 | 2019-08-31 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 38 | |||||
40 | 25 | 1999-10-29 | Production | jinghao0@adventure-works.com | Jinghao Liu | 794-555-0159 | 630184120 | Jinghao | M | 2019-08-31 | Liu | adventure-works\jinghao0 | S | K | 23 | 2 | 794-555-0159 | 58 | 2019-08-31 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC50 | 77 | |||||
41 | 14 | 2001-02-06 | Production | michael0@adventure-works.com | Michael Hines | 218-555-0126 | 545337468 | Michael | M | 2019-09-01 | Hines | adventure-works\michael0 | S | T | 186 | 1 | 218-555-0126 | 30 | 2019-09-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 20 | |||||
42 | 10 | 2000-01-06 | Production | yvonne0@adventure-works.com | Yvonne McKay | 286-555-0189 | 713403643 | Yvonne | F | 2019-09-01 | McKay | adventure-works\yvonne0 | M | S | 163 | 1 | 286-555-0189 | 59 | 2019-09-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 79 | |||||
43 | 21.6346 | 1986-12-09 | Quality Assurance | peng0@adventure-works.com | Peng Wu | 164-555-0164 | 885055826 | Peng | M | 2019-09-01 | Wu | adventure-works\peng0 | M | J | 204 | 2 | 164-555-0164 | 1 | 60 | 2019-09-01 | Current | Quality Assurance Supervisor | 81 | ||||
44 | 50.4808 | 1986-09-04 | Information Services | jean0@adventure-works.com | Jean Trenary | 685-555-0120 | 441044382 | Jean | F | 2019-09-03 | Trenary | adventure-works\jean0 | S | E | 112 | 2 | 685-555-0120 | 1 | 52 | 2019-09-03 | Current | Information Services Manager | 65 | ||||
45 | 11 | 1983-08-18 | Production | russell0@adventure-works.com | Russell Hunter | 786-555-0144 | 718299860 | Russell | M | 2019-09-04 | Hunter | adventure-works\russell0 | M | 76 | 1 | 786-555-0144 | 23 | 2019-09-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 6 | ||||||
46 | 23.5577 | 1979-06-10 | Production Control | ascott0@adventure-works.com | A. Scott Wright | 992-555-0194 | 685233686 | A. Scott | M | 2019-09-04 | Wright | adventure-works\ascott0 | S | 23 | 2 | 992-555-0194 | 42 | 2019-09-04 | Current | Master Scheduler | 44 | ||||||
47 | 15 | 2000-03-17 | Production | fred0@adventure-works.com | Fred Northup | 818-555-0192 | 295971920 | Fred | M | 2019-09-04 | Northup | adventure-works\fred0 | S | T | 214 | 1 | 818-555-0192 | 43 | 2019-09-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 47 | |||||
48 | 14.4231 | 1998-02-10 | Marketing | sariya0@adventure-works.com | Sariya Harnpadoungsataya | 399-555-0176 | 95958330 | Sariya | M | 2019-09-04 | Harnpadoungsataya | adventure-works\sariya0 | S | E | 7 | 2 | 399-555-0176 | 42 | 2019-09-04 | Current | Marketing Specialist | 45 | |||||
49 | 18.2692 | 1989-04-09 | Human Resources | willis0@adventure-works.com | Willis Johnson | 778-555-0141 | 332040978 | Willis | M | 2019-09-05 | Johnson | adventure-works\willis0 | S | T | 32 | 2 | 778-555-0141 | 44 | 2019-09-05 | Current | Recruiter | 49 | |||||
50 | 11 | 1990-03-28 | Production | jun0@adventure-works.com | Jun Cao | 299-555-0113 | 857651804 | Jun | M | 2019-09-06 | Cao | adventure-works\jun0 | S | T | 40 | 1 | 299-555-0113 | 65 | 2019-09-06 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 90 | |||||
51 | 20.4327 | 1986-10-10 | Facilities and Maintenance | christian0@adventure-works.com | Christian Kleinerman | 846-555-0157 | 553069203 | Christian | M | 2019-09-06 | Kleinerman | adventure-works\christian0 | M | E | 222 | 2 | 846-555-0157 | 1 | 66 | 2019-09-06 | Current | Maintenance Supervisor | 92 | ||||
52 | 9.5 | 1993-12-23 | Production | susan1@adventure-works.com | Susan Metters | 639-555-0164 | 351069889 | Susan | F | 2019-09-06 | Metters | adventure-works\susan1 | S | A | 188 | 1 | 639-555-0164 | 35 | 2019-09-06 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 31 | |||||
53 | 25 | 1998-05-19 | Production | reuben0@adventure-works.com | Reuben D'sa | 191-555-0112 | 370989364 | Reuben | M | 2019-09-07 | D'sa | adventure-works\reuben0 | M | H | 23 | 2 | 191-555-0112 | 56 | 2019-09-07 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC40 | 72 | |||||
54 | 10 | 1995-10-30 | Production | kirk0@adventure-works.com | Kirk Koenigsbauer | 669-555-0150 | 275962311 | Kirk | M | 2019-09-07 | Koenigsbauer | adventure-works\kirk0 | S | J | 126 | 1 | 669-555-0150 | 57 | 2019-09-07 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 74 | |||||
55 | 12.45 | 1995-09-21 | Production | david2@adventure-works.com | David Ortiz | 712-555-0119 | 36151748 | David | M | 2019-09-07 | Ortiz | adventure-works\david2 | M | J | 20 | 1 | 712-555-0119 | 36 | 2019-09-07 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 33 | |||||
56 | 16.8269 | 2001-01-18 | Document Control | tengiz0@adventure-works.com | Tengiz Kharatishvili | 910-555-0116 | 540688287 | Tengiz | M | 2019-09-08 | Kharatishvili | adventure-works\tengiz0 | S | N | 92 | 2 | 910-555-0116 | 58 | 2019-09-08 | Current | Control Specialist | 76 | |||||
57 | 14 | 1985-07-08 | Production | hanying0@adventure-works.com | Hanying Feng | 319-555-0139 | 568596888 | Hanying | M | 2019-09-08 | Feng | adventure-works\hanying0 | S | P | 147 | 1 | 319-555-0139 | 27 | 2019-09-08 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 15 | |||||
58 | 15 | 1996-09-16 | Production | kevin1@adventure-works.com | Kevin Liu | 714-555-0138 | 918737118 | Kevin | M | 2019-09-09 | Liu | adventure-works\kevin1 | S | H | 214 | 1 | 714-555-0138 | 49 | 2019-09-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 58 | |||||
59 | 12.45 | 1987-09-18 | Production | annik0@adventure-works.com | Annik Stahl | 499-555-0125 | 801758002 | Annik | M | 2019-09-09 | Stahl | adventure-works\annik0 | M | O | 18 | 1 | 499-555-0125 | 28 | 2019-09-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 17 | |||||
60 | 11 | 1988-11-17 | Production | suroor0@adventure-works.com | Suroor Fatima | 932-555-0161 | 415823523 | Suroor | M | 2019-09-09 | Fatima | adventure-works\suroor0 | S | R | 40 | 1 | 932-555-0161 | 66 | 2019-09-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 93 | |||||
61 | 19 | 1986-11-27 | Finance | deborah0@adventure-works.com | Deborah Poe | 602-555-0194 | 363923697 | Deborah | F | 2019-09-10 | Poe | adventure-works\deborah0 | M | E | 142 | 2 | 602-555-0194 | 50 | 2019-09-10 | Current | Accounts Receivable Specialist | 60 | |||||
62 | 11 | 1997-05-31 | Production | jim0@adventure-works.com | Jim Scardelis | 679-555-0113 | 674171828 | Jim | M | 2019-09-11 | Scardelis | adventure-works\jim0 | M | H | 76 | 1 | 679-555-0113 | 20 | 2019-09-11 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 1 | |||||
63 | 9.5 | 1994-07-11 | Production | carole0@adventure-works.com | Carole Poland | 688-555-0192 | 138280935 | Carole | F | 2019-09-11 | Poland | adventure-works\carole0 | M | M | 177 | 1 | 688-555-0192 | 41 | 2019-09-11 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 42 | |||||
64 | 9.5 | 1988-01-07 | Production | george0@adventure-works.com | George Li | 518-555-0199 | 476115505 | George | M | 2019-09-13 | Li | adventure-works\george0 | M | Z | 188 | 1 | 518-555-0199 | 33 | 2019-09-13 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 26 | |||||
65 | 15 | 1999-02-06 | Production | gary0@adventure-works.com | Gary Yukish | 901-555-0125 | 502058701 | Gary | M | 2019-09-14 | Yukish | adventure-works\gary0 | S | W | 89 | 1 | 901-555-0125 | 54 | 2019-09-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 69 | |||||
66 | 25 | 1995-01-02 | Production | cristian0@adventure-works.com | Cristian Petculescu | 434-555-0133 | 7201901 | Cristian | M | 2019-09-14 | Petculescu | adventure-works\cristian0 | M | K | 23 | 2 | 434-555-0133 | 53 | 2019-09-14 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC10 | 67 | |||||
67 | 14 | 1977-11-22 | Production | raymond0@adventure-works.com | Raymond Sam | 226-555-0197 | 97728960 | Raymond | M | 2019-09-15 | Sam | adventure-works\raymond0 | M | K | 147 | 1 | 226-555-0197 | 25 | 2019-09-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 10 | |||||
68 | 27.4038 | 1995-10-23 | Information Services | janaina0@adventure-works.com | Janaina Bueno | 623-555-0155 | 525932996 | Janaina | F | 2019-09-15 | Bueno | adventure-works\janaina0 | M | Barreiro Gambaro | 44 | 2 | 623-555-0155 | 1 | 55 | 2019-09-15 | Current | Application Specialist | 71 | ||||
69 | 11 | 1990-05-08 | Production | bob0@adventure-works.com | Bob Hohman | 611-555-0116 | 843479922 | Bob | M | 2019-09-16 | Hohman | adventure-works\bob0 | S | N | 16 | 1 | 611-555-0116 | 26 | 2019-09-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 12 | |||||
70 | 15 | 1991-06-27 | Production | shammi0@adventure-works.com | Shammi Mohamed | 793-555-0179 | 370487086 | Shammi | M | 2019-09-16 | Mohamed | adventure-works\shammi0 | M | G | 214 | 1 | 793-555-0179 | 46 | 2019-09-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 53 | |||||
71 | 11 | 1998-04-08 | Production | linda0@adventure-works.com | Linda Moschell | 612-555-0171 | 54759846 | Linda | F | 2019-09-17 | Moschell | adventure-works\linda0 | M | K | 40 | 1 | 612-555-0171 | 68 | 2019-09-17 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 96 | |||||
72 | 16.5865 | 1995-08-13 | Human Resources | mindy0@adventure-works.com | Mindy Martin | 522-555-0147 | 619308550 | Mindy | F | 2019-09-17 | Martin | adventure-works\mindy0 | M | C | 32 | 2 | 522-555-0147 | 45 | 2019-09-17 | Current | Benefits Specialist | 51 | |||||
73 | 43.2692 | 1995-07-04 | Finance | wendy0@adventure-works.com | Wendy Kahn | 248-555-0134 | 121491555 | Wendy | F | 2019-09-17 | Kahn | adventure-works\wendy0 | S | Beth | 143 | 2 | 248-555-0134 | 1 | 47 | 2019-09-17 | Current | Finance Manager | 55 | ||||
74 | 9 | 1995-01-21 | Shipping and Receiving | kim0@adventure-works.com | Kim Ralls | 309-555-0129 | 420776180 | Kim | F | 2019-09-18 | Ralls | adventure-works\kim0 | S | T | 87 | 1 | 309-555-0129 | 69 | 2019-09-18 | Current | Stocker | 98 | |||||
75 | 9.5 | 1986-07-28 | Production | sandra0@adventure-works.com | Sandra Reátegui Alayo | 896-555-0168 | 604664374 | Sandra | F | 2019-09-18 | Reátegui Alayo | adventure-works\sandra0 | M | 138 | 1 | 896-555-0168 | 38 | 2019-09-18 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 37 | ||||||
76 | 25 | 1991-01-19 | Production | kok-ho0@adventure-works.com | Kok-Ho Loh | 999-555-0155 | 778552911 | Kok-Ho | M | 2019-09-19 | Loh | adventure-works\kok-ho0 | S | T | 23 | 2 | 999-555-0155 | 59 | 2019-09-19 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC50 | 78 | |||||
77 | 10 | 1996-08-16 | Production | douglas0@adventure-works.com | Douglas Hite | 808-555-0172 | 435234965 | Douglas | M | 2019-09-19 | Hite | adventure-works\douglas0 | M | B | 163 | 1 | 808-555-0172 | 60 | 2019-09-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 80 | |||||
78 | 12.45 | 1995-04-17 | Production | james0@adventure-works.com | James Kramer | 119-555-0117 | 339712426 | James | M | 2019-09-19 | Kramer | adventure-works\james0 | M | D | 9 | 1 | 119-555-0117 | 39 | 2019-09-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 39 | |||||
79 | 10.5769 | 1986-11-27 | Quality Assurance | sean0@adventure-works.com | Sean Alexander | 420-555-0173 | 403414852 | Sean | M | 2019-09-20 | Alexander | adventure-works\sean0 | S | P | 43 | 2 | 420-555-0173 | 61 | 2019-09-20 | Current | Quality Assurance Technician | 82 | |||||
80 | 14 | 1997-08-23 | Production | nitin0@adventure-works.com | Nitin Mirchandani | 143-555-0173 | 368920189 | Nitin | M | 2019-09-20 | Mirchandani | adventure-works\nitin0 | S | S | 186 | 1 | 143-555-0173 | 30 | 2019-09-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 21 | |||||
81 | 40.8654 | 1997-02-25 | Research and Development | diane1@adventure-works.com | Diane Margheim | 815-555-0138 | 811994146 | Diane | F | 2019-09-21 | Margheim | adventure-works\diane1 | S | L | 162 | 2 | 815-555-0138 | 1 | 51 | 2019-09-21 | Current | Research and Development Engineer | 62 | ||||
82 | 12.45 | 1999-03-29 | Production | rebecca0@adventure-works.com | Rebecca Laszlo | 314-555-0113 | 330211482 | Rebecca | F | 2019-09-21 | Laszlo | adventure-works\rebecca0 | M | A | 18 | 1 | 314-555-0113 | 31 | 2019-09-21 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 23 | |||||
83 | 15 | 1988-06-26 | Production | rajesh0@adventure-works.com | Rajesh Patel | 373-555-0137 | 632092621 | Rajesh | M | 2019-09-23 | Patel | adventure-works\rajesh0 | M | M | 214 | 1 | 373-555-0137 | 44 | 2019-09-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 48 | |||||
84 | 18.2692 | 1995-04-24 | Human Resources | vidur0@adventure-works.com | Vidur Luthra | 153-555-0186 | 264306399 | Vidur | M | 2019-09-24 | Luthra | adventure-works\vidur0 | S | X | 32 | 2 | 153-555-0186 | 45 | 2019-09-24 | Current | Recruiter | 50 | |||||
85 | 11 | 1989-02-20 | Production | john1@adventure-works.com | John Evans | 172-555-0130 | 981597097 | John | M | 2019-09-24 | Evans | adventure-works\john1 | S | P | 40 | 1 | 172-555-0130 | 65 | 2019-09-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 91 | |||||
86 | 12.45 | 1999-08-12 | Production | nancy0@adventure-works.com | Nancy Anderson | 970-555-0118 | 693325305 | Nancy | F | 2019-09-25 | Anderson | adventure-works\nancy0 | M | A | 9 | 1 | 970-555-0118 | 37 | 2019-09-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 34 | |||||
87 | 19.2308 | 1983-06-02 | Shipping and Receiving | pilar0@adventure-works.com | Pilar Ackerman | 577-555-0185 | 521265716 | Pilar | M | 2019-09-25 | Ackerman | adventure-works\pilar0 | S | G | 23 | 2 | 577-555-0185 | 1 | 66 | 2019-09-25 | Current | Shipping and Receiving Supervisor | 93 | ||||
88 | 9.5 | 1992-04-25 | Production | david3@adventure-works.com | David Yalovsky | 373-555-0142 | 746373306 | David | M | 2019-09-25 | Yalovsky | adventure-works\david3 | S | A | 188 | 1 | 373-555-0142 | 36 | 2019-09-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 32 | |||||
89 | 25 | 1994-03-24 | Production | david4@adventure-works.com | David Hamilton | 986-555-0177 | 750905084 | David | M | 2019-09-26 | Hamilton | adventure-works\david4 | S | P | 23 | 2 | 986-555-0177 | 56 | 2019-09-26 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC40 | 73 | |||||
90 | 10 | 1991-09-17 | Production | laura0@adventure-works.com | Laura Steele | 777-555-0141 | 514829225 | Laura | F | 2019-09-26 | Steele | adventure-works\laura0 | S | C | 126 | 1 | 777-555-0141 | 57 | 2019-09-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 75 | |||||
91 | 12.45 | 1997-02-09 | Production | margie0@adventure-works.com | Margie Shoop | 818-555-0128 | 750246141 | Margie | F | 2019-09-27 | Shoop | adventure-works\margie0 | M | W | 18 | 1 | 818-555-0128 | 29 | 2019-09-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 18 | |||||
92 | 17.7885 | 1986-10-22 | Document Control | zainal0@adventure-works.com | Zainal Arifin | 204-555-0115 | 345106466 | Zainal | M | 2019-09-27 | Arifin | adventure-works\zainal0 | M | T | 204 | 2 | 204-555-0115 | 58 | 2019-09-27 | Current | Document Control Manager | 77 | |||||
93 | 15 | 1999-08-19 | Production | lorraine0@adventure-works.com | Lorraine Nay | 845-555-0184 | 19312190 | Lorraine | F | 2019-09-27 | Nay | adventure-works\lorraine0 | M | O | 214 | 1 | 845-555-0184 | 44 | 2019-09-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 49 | |||||
94 | 14 | 1999-11-08 | Production | fadi0@adventure-works.com | Fadi Fakhouri | 935-555-0116 | 212801092 | Fadi | M | 2019-09-27 | Fakhouri | adventure-works\fadi0 | S | K | 147 | 1 | 935-555-0116 | 28 | 2019-09-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 16 | |||||
95 | 15 | 1983-03-06 | Production | ryan0@adventure-works.com | Ryan Cornelsen | 208-555-0114 | 769680433 | Ryan | M | 2019-09-28 | Cornelsen | adventure-works\ryan0 | M | L | 53 | 1 | 208-555-0114 | 49 | 2019-09-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 59 | |||||
96 | 19 | 1986-11-15 | Finance | candy0@adventure-works.com | Candy Spoon | 920-555-0177 | 60517918 | Candy | F | 2019-09-29 | Spoon | adventure-works\candy0 | S | L | 142 | 2 | 920-555-0177 | 50 | 2019-09-29 | Current | Accounts Receivable Specialist | 61 | |||||
97 | 11 | 1989-12-19 | Production | nuan0@adventure-works.com | Nuan Yu | 913-555-0184 | 431859843 | Nuan | M | 2019-09-29 | Yu | adventure-works\nuan0 | S | 76 | 1 | 913-555-0184 | 21 | 2019-09-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 2 | ||||||
98 | 16 | 1992-07-29 | Production Control | william0@adventure-works.com | William Vong | 148-555-0145 | 621209647 | 2022-05-23 | William | M | 2019-09-30 | Vong | adventure-works\william0 | M | S | 46 | 2 | 148-555-0145 | 42 | 2019-09-30 | Scheduling Assistant | 45 | |||||
99 | 16 | 1992-07-29 | Production Control | william0@adventure-works.com | William Vong | 148-555-0145 | 621209647 | William | M | 2019-09-30 | Vong | adventure-works\william0 | M | S | 46 | 2 | 148-555-0145 | 42 | 2022-05-24 | Current | Scheduling Assistant | 45 | |||||
100 | 9.5 | 2000-07-29 | Production | bjorn0@adventure-works.com | Bjorn Rettig | 199-555-0117 | 420023788 | Bjorn | M | 2019-09-30 | Rettig | adventure-works\bjorn0 | S | M | 177 | 1 | 199-555-0117 | 41 | 2019-09-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 43 | |||||
101 | 10 | 1997-11-02 | Production | scott0@adventure-works.com | Scott Gode | 391-555-0138 | 199546871 | Scott | M | 2019-10-01 | Gode | adventure-works\scott0 | M | R | 201 | 1 | 391-555-0138 | 63 | 2019-10-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 86 | |||||
102 | 15 | 2001-09-26 | Production | michael1@adventure-works.com | Michael Rothkugel | 454-555-0119 | 830150469 | Michael | M | 2019-10-03 | Rothkugel | adventure-works\michael1 | S | L | 89 | 1 | 454-555-0119 | 55 | 2019-10-03 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 70 | |||||
103 | 14 | 1985-06-15 | Production | lane0@adventure-works.com | Lane Sacksteder | 200-555-0117 | 322160340 | Lane | M | 2019-10-04 | Sacksteder | adventure-works\lane0 | M | M | 147 | 1 | 200-555-0117 | 25 | 2019-10-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 11 | |||||
104 | 11 | 1987-10-27 | Production | pete0@adventure-works.com | Pete Male | 768-555-0123 | 827686041 | Pete | M | 2019-10-04 | Male | adventure-works\pete0 | S | C | 16 | 1 | 768-555-0123 | 26 | 2019-10-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 13 | |||||
105 | 27.4038 | 1992-03-18 | Information Services | dan0@adventure-works.com | Dan Bacon | 166-555-0159 | 671089628 | Dan | M | 2019-10-04 | Bacon | adventure-works\dan0 | M | K | 44 | 2 | 166-555-0159 | 1 | 56 | 2019-10-04 | Current | Application Specialist | 72 | ||||
106 | 13.4615 | 1975-03-14 | Finance | david5@adventure-works.com | David Barber | 477-555-0132 | 231203233 | David | M | 2019-10-05 | Barber | adventure-works\david5 | S | M | 143 | 2 | 477-555-0132 | 48 | 2019-10-05 | Current | Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer | 56 | |||||
107 | 11 | 1983-10-17 | Production | lolan0@adventure-works.com | Lolan Song | 582-555-0178 | 204035155 | Lolan | M | 2019-10-05 | Song | adventure-works\lolan0 | M | B | 76 | 1 | 582-555-0178 | 23 | 2019-10-05 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 7 | |||||
108 | 15 | 1997-11-02 | Production | paula1@adventure-works.com | Paula Nartker | 476-555-0119 | 992874797 | Paula | F | 2019-10-05 | Nartker | adventure-works\paula1 | M | R | 214 | 1 | 476-555-0119 | 47 | 2019-10-05 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 54 | |||||
109 | 14.4231 | 1973-06-05 | Marketing | mary0@adventure-works.com | Mary Gibson | 531-555-0183 | 767955365 | Mary | F | 2019-10-05 | Gibson | adventure-works\mary0 | M | E | 7 | 2 | 531-555-0183 | 43 | 2019-10-05 | Current | Marketing Specialist | 46 | |||||
110 | 11 | 1989-01-27 | Production | mindaugas0@adventure-works.com | Mindaugas Krapauskas | 637-555-0120 | 342607223 | Mindaugas | M | 2019-10-06 | Krapauskas | adventure-works\mindaugas0 | M | J | 40 | 1 | 637-555-0120 | 68 | 2019-10-06 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 97 | |||||
111 | 25 | 1995-10-12 | Production | eric0@adventure-works.com | Eric Gubbels | 260-555-0119 | 45615666 | Eric | M | 2019-10-07 | Gubbels | adventure-works\eric0 | M | 23 | 2 | 260-555-0119 | 40 | 2019-10-07 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC20 | 40 | ||||||
112 | 125.5 | 1979-10-22 | Executive | ken0@adventure-works.com | Ken Sánchez | 697-555-0142 | 295847284 | Ken | M | 2019-10-07 | Sánchez | adventure-works\ken0 | S | J | 2 | 697-555-0142 | 1 | 69 | 2019-10-07 | Current | Chief Executive Officer | 99 | |||||
113 | 9.5 | 1999-08-30 | Production | jason0@adventure-works.com | Jason Watters | 571-555-0179 | 733022683 | Jason | M | 2019-10-07 | Watters | adventure-works\jason0 | S | M | 138 | 1 | 571-555-0179 | 39 | 2019-10-07 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 38 | |||||
114 | 10.5769 | 1997-01-20 | Quality Assurance | mark0@adventure-works.com | Mark Harrington | 147-555-0179 | 381772114 | Mark | M | 2019-10-08 | Harrington | adventure-works\mark0 | S | L | 43 | 2 | 147-555-0179 | 61 | 2019-10-08 | Current | Quality Assurance Technician | 83 | |||||
115 | 10 | 1983-04-16 | Production | janeth0@adventure-works.com | Janeth Esteves | 540-555-0191 | 187369436 | Janeth | F | 2019-10-08 | Esteves | adventure-works\janeth0 | S | M | 163 | 1 | 540-555-0191 | 60 | 2019-10-08 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 81 | |||||
116 | 9.5 | 1997-07-16 | Production | marc0@adventure-works.com | Marc Ingle | 234-555-0169 | 364818297 | Marc | M | 2019-10-09 | Ingle | adventure-works\marc0 | M | J | 188 | 1 | 234-555-0169 | 31 | 2019-10-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 22 | |||||
117 | 40.8654 | 1989-10-13 | Research and Development | gigi0@adventure-works.com | Gigi Matthew | 185-555-0186 | 658797903 | Gigi | F | 2019-10-09 | Matthew | adventure-works\gigi0 | M | N | 162 | 2 | 185-555-0186 | 1 | 51 | 2019-10-09 | Current | Research and Development Engineer | 63 | ||||
118 | 14 | 2001-07-27 | Production | paul1@adventure-works.com | Paul Singh | 727-555-0112 | 886023130 | Paul | M | 2019-10-10 | Singh | adventure-works\paul1 | M | R | 111 | 1 | 727-555-0112 | 23 | 2019-10-10 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 6 | |||||
119 | 15 | 1998-05-29 | Production | frank0@adventure-works.com | Frank Lee | 158-555-0191 | 749211824 | Frank | M | 2019-10-10 | Lee | adventure-works\frank0 | M | T | 214 | 1 | 158-555-0191 | 48 | 2019-10-10 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 56 | |||||
120 | 38.4615 | 1991-08-06 | Information Services | françois0@adventure-works.com | François Ajenstat | 785-555-0110 | 643805155 | François | M | 2019-10-10 | Ajenstat | adventure-works\françois0 | S | P | 44 | 2 | 785-555-0110 | 1 | 53 | 2019-10-10 | Current | Database Administrator | 67 | ||||
121 | 11 | 2000-05-01 | Production | diane2@adventure-works.com | Diane Tibbott | 361-555-0180 | 92096924 | Diane | F | 2019-10-11 | Tibbott | adventure-works\diane2 | S | H | 16 | 1 | 361-555-0180 | 24 | 2019-10-11 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 8 | |||||
122 | 14.4231 | 1990-03-10 | Marketing | jill0@adventure-works.com | Jill Williams | 510-555-0121 | 72636981 | Jill | F | 2019-10-11 | Williams | adventure-works\jill0 | M | A | 7 | 2 | 510-555-0121 | 43 | 2019-10-11 | Current | Marketing Specialist | 47 | |||||
123 | 11 | 2002-02-20 | Production | angela0@adventure-works.com | Angela Barbariol | 150-555-0194 | 563680513 | Angela | F | 2019-10-13 | Barbariol | adventure-works\angela0 | S | W | 40 | 1 | 150-555-0194 | 66 | 2019-10-13 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 92 | |||||
124 | 9.5 | 1984-08-03 | Shipping and Receiving | matthias0@adventure-works.com | Matthias Berndt | 139-555-0120 | 584205124 | Matthias | M | 2019-10-13 | Berndt | adventure-works\matthias0 | M | T | 87 | 2 | 139-555-0120 | 67 | 2019-10-13 | Current | Shipping and Receiving Clerk | 94 | |||||
125 | 12.45 | 1984-05-19 | Production | bryan0@adventure-works.com | Bryan Baker | 712-555-0113 | 458159238 | Bryan | M | 2019-10-14 | Baker | adventure-works\bryan0 | S | 9 | 1 | 712-555-0113 | 37 | 2019-10-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 35 | ||||||
126 | 25 | 1987-10-08 | Production | jeff0@adventure-works.com | Jeff Hay | 350-555-0167 | 712885347 | Jeff | M | 2019-10-14 | Hay | adventure-works\jeff0 | M | V | 23 | 2 | 350-555-0167 | 57 | 2019-10-14 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC45 | 74 | |||||
127 | 9.5 | 1998-04-06 | Production | eugene0@adventure-works.com | Eugene Zabokritski | 241-555-0191 | 87268837 | Eugene | M | 2019-10-14 | Zabokritski | adventure-works\eugene0 | S | R | 188 | 1 | 241-555-0191 | 36 | 2019-10-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 33 | |||||
128 | 14 | 1995-09-21 | Production | barbara0@adventure-works.com | Barbara Decker | 119-555-0192 | 969985265 | Barbara | F | 2019-10-15 | Decker | adventure-works\barbara0 | M | S | 186 | 1 | 119-555-0192 | 28 | 2019-10-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 17 | |||||
129 | 10 | 1999-09-08 | Production | chris0@adventure-works.com | Chris Preston | 200-555-0112 | 539490372 | Chris | M | 2019-10-15 | Preston | adventure-works\chris0 | M | T | 126 | 1 | 200-555-0112 | 58 | 2019-10-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 76 | |||||
130 | 10.25 | 1997-12-02 | Document Control | sean1@adventure-works.com | Sean Chai | 205-555-0132 | 242381745 | Sean | M | 2019-10-15 | Chai | adventure-works\sean1 | S | N | 92 | 2 | 205-555-0132 | 59 | 2019-10-15 | Current | Document Control Assistant | 78 | |||||
131 | 38.4615 | 1986-09-28 | Information Services | dan1@adventure-works.com | Dan Wilson | 653-555-0144 | 929666391 | Dan | M | 2019-10-15 | Wilson | adventure-works\dan1 | M | B | 44 | 2 | 653-555-0144 | 1 | 53 | 2019-10-15 | Current | Database Administrator | 66 | ||||
132 | 12.45 | 1990-06-17 | Production | mark1@adventure-works.com | Mark McArthur | 417-555-0154 | 948320468 | Mark | M | 2019-10-16 | McArthur | adventure-works\mark1 | S | K | 18 | 1 | 417-555-0154 | 29 | 2019-10-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 19 | |||||
133 | 19 | 1995-06-13 | Finance | bryan1@adventure-works.com | Bryan Walton | 935-555-0199 | 931190412 | Bryan | M | 2019-10-17 | Walton | adventure-works\bryan1 | S | A | 142 | 2 | 935-555-0199 | 51 | 2019-10-17 | Current | Accounts Receivable Specialist | 62 | |||||
134 | 11 | 1982-05-22 | Production | houman0@adventure-works.com | Houman Pournasseh | 180-555-0136 | 153288994 | Houman | M | 2019-10-18 | Pournasseh | adventure-works\houman0 | M | N | 76 | 1 | 180-555-0136 | 21 | 2019-10-18 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 3 | |||||
135 | 16 | 1998-09-13 | Production Control | sairaj0@adventure-works.com | Sairaj Uddin | 500-555-0159 | 981495526 | Sairaj | M | 2019-10-19 | Uddin | adventure-works\sairaj0 | M | L | 46 | 2 | 500-555-0159 | 43 | 2019-10-19 | Current | Scheduling Assistant | 46 | |||||
136 | 9.5 | 1993-03-19 | Production | michiko0@adventure-works.com | Michiko Osada | 984-555-0148 | 363996959 | Michiko | M | 2019-10-19 | Osada | adventure-works\michiko0 | S | F | 177 | 1 | 984-555-0148 | 42 | 2019-10-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 44 | |||||
137 | 9.5 | 1996-09-27 | Production | benjamin0@adventure-works.com | Benjamin Martin | 533-555-0111 | 585408256 | Benjamin | M | 2019-10-20 | Martin | adventure-works\benjamin0 | S | R | 188 | 1 | 533-555-0111 | 34 | 2019-10-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 28 | |||||
138 | 25 | 1992-05-10 | Production | cynthia0@adventure-works.com | Cynthia Randall | 352-555-0138 | 386315192 | Cynthia | F | 2019-10-20 | Randall | adventure-works\cynthia0 | S | S | 23 | 2 | 352-555-0138 | 54 | 2019-10-20 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC30 | 69 | |||||
139 | 10 | 2001-07-24 | Production | kathie0@adventure-works.com | Kathie Flood | 446-555-0118 | 167554340 | Kathie | F | 2019-10-20 | Flood | adventure-works\kathie0 | M | E | 201 | 1 | 446-555-0118 | 63 | 2019-10-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 87 | |||||
140 | 12.45 | 2000-06-20 | Production | britta0@adventure-works.com | Britta Simon | 955-555-0169 | 410742000 | Britta | F | 2019-10-22 | Simon | adventure-works\britta0 | M | L | 18 | 1 | 955-555-0169 | 27 | 2019-10-22 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 14 | |||||
141 | 15 | 1987-11-03 | Production | brian0@adventure-works.com | Brian Lloyd | 110-555-0182 | 746201340 | Brian | M | 2019-10-22 | Lloyd | adventure-works\brian0 | S | T | 214 | 1 | 110-555-0182 | 47 | 2019-10-22 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 55 | |||||
142 | 34.7356 | 1994-03-30 | Finance | david6@adventure-works.com | David Liu | 646-555-0185 | 30845 | David | M | 2019-10-23 | Liu | adventure-works\david6 | M | J | 143 | 2 | 646-555-0185 | 1 | 48 | 2019-10-23 | Current | Accounts Manager | 57 | ||||
143 | 60.0962 | 1986-09-28 | Executive | laura1@adventure-works.com | Laura Norman | 615-555-0110 | 184188301 | 2024-08-05 | Laura | F | 2019-10-24 | Norman | adventure-works\laura1 | M | F | 112 | 2 | 615-555-0110 | 1 | 20 | 2019-10-24 | Chief Financial Officer | 0 | ||||
144 | 60.0962 | 1986-09-28 | Executive | laura1@adventure-works.com | Laura Norman | 615-555-0110 | 184188301 | Laura | F | 2019-10-24 | Norman | adventure-works\laura1 | M | F | 112 | 2 | 615-555-0110 | 1 | 20 | 2024-08-05 | Current | Chief Financial Officer | 0 | ||||
145 | 11 | 1985-01-23 | Production | michael2@adventure-works.com | Michael Patten | 441-555-0195 | 398737566 | Michael | M | 2019-10-24 | Patten | adventure-works\michael2 | S | W | 40 | 1 | 441-555-0195 | 69 | 2019-10-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 98 | |||||
146 | 9.5 | 1994-07-12 | Production | andy0@adventure-works.com | Andy Ruth | 118-555-0110 | 764853868 | Andy | M | 2019-10-24 | Ruth | adventure-works\andy0 | M | M | 138 | 1 | 118-555-0110 | 39 | 2019-10-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 39 | |||||
147 | 25 | 1987-12-28 | Production | yuhong0@adventure-works.com | Yuhong Li | 965-555-0155 | 319472946 | Yuhong | M | 2019-10-25 | Li | adventure-works\yuhong0 | M | L | 23 | 2 | 965-555-0155 | 40 | 2019-10-25 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC20 | 41 | |||||
148 | 10 | 1995-11-21 | Production | robert0@adventure-works.com | Robert Rounthwaite | 589-555-0147 | 456839592 | Robert | M | 2019-10-26 | Rounthwaite | adventure-works\robert0 | S | J | 163 | 1 | 589-555-0147 | 61 | 2019-10-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 82 | |||||
149 | 10.5769 | 1999-12-19 | Quality Assurance | andreas0@adventure-works.com | Andreas Berglund | 181-555-0124 | 131471224 | Andreas | M | 2019-10-26 | Berglund | adventure-works\andreas0 | M | T | 43 | 2 | 181-555-0124 | 62 | 2019-10-26 | Current | Quality Assurance Technician | 84 | |||||
150 | 9.5 | 1999-10-01 | Production | reed0@adventure-works.com | Reed Koch | 678-555-0110 | 259388196 | Reed | M | 2019-10-26 | Koch | adventure-works\reed0 | M | T | 188 | 1 | 678-555-0110 | 31 | 2019-10-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 23 | |||||
151 | 14 | 1988-06-27 | Production | linda1@adventure-works.com | Linda Randall | 696-555-0157 | 812797414 | Linda | F | 2019-10-27 | Randall | adventure-works\linda1 | S | A | 147 | 1 | 696-555-0157 | 26 | 2019-10-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 12 | |||||
152 | 84.1346 | 1999-03-29 | Production | james1@adventure-works.com | James Hamilton | 870-555-0122 | 519899904 | James | M | 2019-10-27 | Hamilton | adventure-works\james1 | S | R | 112 | 2 | 870-555-0122 | 1 | 52 | 2019-10-27 | Current | Vice President of Production | 64 | ||||
153 | 27.4038 | 1998-12-04 | Information Services | ramesh0@adventure-works.com | Ramesh Meyyappan | 182-555-0134 | 314747499 | Ramesh | M | 2019-10-27 | Meyyappan | adventure-works\ramesh0 | S | V | 44 | 2 | 182-555-0134 | 1 | 56 | 2019-10-27 | Current | Application Specialist | 73 | ||||
154 | 39.6635 | 1994-12-16 | Information Services | stephanie0@adventure-works.com | Stephanie Conroy | 594-555-0110 | 858323870 | Stephanie | F | 2019-10-28 | Conroy | adventure-works\stephanie0 | S | A | 44 | 2 | 594-555-0110 | 1 | 54 | 2019-10-28 | Current | Network Manager | 68 | ||||
155 | 14 | 1998-08-14 | Production | samantha0@adventure-works.com | Samantha Smith | 587-555-0114 | 25011600 | Samantha | F | 2019-10-28 | Smith | adventure-works\samantha0 | M | H | 111 | 1 | 587-555-0114 | 23 | 2019-10-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 7 | |||||
156 | 15 | 2000-08-02 | Production | tawana0@adventure-works.com | Tawana Nusbaum | 368-555-0113 | 436757988 | Tawana | M | 2019-10-29 | Nusbaum | adventure-works\tawana0 | S | G | 214 | 1 | 368-555-0113 | 45 | 2019-10-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 50 | |||||
157 | 11 | 1999-03-29 | Production | denise0@adventure-works.com | Denise Smith | 869-555-0119 | 652535724 | Denise | F | 2019-10-29 | Smith | adventure-works\denise0 | M | H | 16 | 1 | 869-555-0119 | 24 | 2019-10-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 9 | |||||
158 | 13.9423 | 1988-01-08 | Human Resources | hao0@adventure-works.com | Hao Chen | 806-555-0136 | 416679555 | Hao | M | 2019-10-30 | Chen | adventure-works\hao0 | S | O | 32 | 2 | 806-555-0136 | 46 | 2019-10-30 | Current | Human Resources Administrative Assistant | 52 | |||||
159 | 10 | 2001-01-03 | Production | alex0@adventure-works.com | Alex Nayberg | 819-555-0198 | 377784364 | Alex | M | 2019-11-01 | Nayberg | adventure-works\alex0 | M | M | 126 | 1 | 819-555-0198 | 58 | 2019-11-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 77 | |||||
160 | 12.45 | 1986-11-02 | Production | eugene1@adventure-works.com | Eugene Kogan | 173-555-0179 | 66073987 | Eugene | M | 2019-11-01 | Kogan | adventure-works\eugene1 | S | O | 9 | 1 | 173-555-0179 | 38 | 2019-11-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 36 | |||||
161 | 12.45 | 1987-10-03 | Production | brandon0@adventure-works.com | Brandon Heidepriem | 429-555-0137 | 999440576 | Brandon | M | 2019-11-01 | Heidepriem | adventure-works\brandon0 | M | G | 18 | 1 | 429-555-0137 | 31 | 2019-11-01 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 22 | |||||
162 | 50.4808 | 1997-11-16 | Research and Development | dylan0@adventure-works.com | Dylan Miller | 181-555-0156 | 134969118 | Dylan | M | 2019-11-01 | Miller | adventure-works\dylan0 | M | A | 3 | 2 | 181-555-0156 | 1 | 50 | 2019-11-01 | Current | Research and Development Manager | 61 | ||||
163 | 25 | 2001-02-13 | Production | shane0@adventure-works.com | Shane Kim | 810-555-0178 | 551834634 | Shane | M | 2019-11-01 | Kim | adventure-works\shane0 | S | S | 23 | 2 | 810-555-0178 | 57 | 2019-11-01 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC45 | 75 | |||||
164 | 14 | 1996-12-26 | Production | john2@adventure-works.com | John Chen | 201-555-0163 | 305522471 | John | M | 2019-11-02 | Chen | adventure-works\john2 | M | Y | 186 | 1 | 201-555-0163 | 29 | 2019-11-02 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 18 | |||||
165 | 10.25 | 1986-09-16 | Document Control | karen0@adventure-works.com | Karen Berge | 746-555-0164 | 260770918 | Karen | F | 2019-11-02 | Berge | adventure-works\karen0 | M | R | 92 | 2 | 746-555-0164 | 59 | 2019-11-02 | Current | Document Control Assistant | 79 | |||||
166 | 12.45 | 1995-04-23 | Production | jose0@adventure-works.com | Jose Lugo | 587-555-0115 | 788456780 | Jose | M | 2019-11-03 | Lugo | adventure-works\jose0 | M | R | 18 | 1 | 587-555-0115 | 30 | 2019-11-03 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 20 | |||||
167 | 11 | 1996-12-11 | Production | mandar0@adventure-works.com | Mandar Samant | 140-555-0132 | 370581729 | Mandar | M | 2019-11-03 | Samant | adventure-works\mandar0 | S | H | 76 | 1 | 140-555-0132 | 20 | 2019-11-03 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 0 | |||||
168 | 18.2692 | 1995-05-10 | Purchasing | mikael0@adventure-works.com | Mikael Sandberg | 309-555-0170 | 603686790 | Mikael | M | 2019-11-03 | Sandberg | adventure-works\mikael0 | S | Q | 278 | 2 | 309-555-0170 | 49 | 2019-11-03 | Current | Buyer | 59 | |||||
169 | 11 | 1989-03-18 | Production | sameer0@adventure-works.com | Sameer Tejani | 990-555-0172 | 152085091 | Sameer | M | 2019-11-04 | Tejani | adventure-works\sameer0 | M | A | 76 | 1 | 990-555-0172 | 22 | 2019-11-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 4 | |||||
170 | 19 | 1987-11-07 | Finance | dragan0@adventure-works.com | Dragan Tomic | 117-555-0185 | 663843431 | Dragan | M | 2019-11-04 | Tomic | adventure-works\dragan0 | M | K | 142 | 2 | 117-555-0185 | 51 | 2019-11-04 | Current | Accounts Payable Specialist | 63 | |||||
171 | 9.5 | 1999-07-10 | Production | carol0@adventure-works.com | Carol Philips | 609-555-0153 | 227319668 | Carol | F | 2019-11-05 | Philips | adventure-works\carol0 | M | M | 177 | 1 | 609-555-0153 | 42 | 2019-11-05 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 45 | |||||
172 | 15 | 1984-04-26 | Production | rob1@adventure-works.com | Rob Caron | 238-555-0116 | 578953538 | Rob | M | 2019-11-06 | Caron | adventure-works\rob1 | S | T | 89 | 1 | 238-555-0116 | 55 | 2019-11-06 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 71 | |||||
173 | 11 | 1982-03-05 | Production | don0@adventure-works.com | Don Hall | 100-555-0174 | 222400012 | Don | M | 2019-11-06 | Hall | adventure-works\don0 | M | L | 40 | 1 | 100-555-0174 | 64 | 2019-11-06 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 88 | |||||
174 | 16 | 1994-12-20 | Production Control | alan0@adventure-works.com | Alan Brewer | 438-555-0172 | 470689086 | Alan | M | 2019-11-06 | Brewer | adventure-works\alan0 | M | J | 46 | 2 | 438-555-0172 | 43 | 2019-11-06 | Current | Scheduling Assistant | 47 | |||||
175 | 9.5 | 1996-06-15 | Production | david7@adventure-works.com | David Lawrence | 118-555-0177 | 860123571 | David | M | 2019-11-07 | Lawrence | adventure-works\david7 | M | Oliver | 188 | 1 | 118-555-0177 | 34 | 2019-11-07 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 29 | |||||
176 | 15 | 2001-06-29 | Production | baris0@adventure-works.com | Baris Cetinok | 164-555-0114 | 273260055 | Baris | M | 2019-11-08 | Cetinok | adventure-works\baris0 | S | F | 89 | 1 | 164-555-0114 | 56 | 2019-11-08 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 72 | |||||
177 | 25 | 1999-10-22 | Production | michael3@adventure-works.com | Michael Ray | 156-555-0199 | 578935259 | Michael | M | 2019-11-08 | Ray | adventure-works\michael3 | S | Sean | 23 | 2 | 156-555-0199 | 55 | 2019-11-08 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC30 | 70 | |||||
178 | 12.45 | 2001-12-27 | Production | steve0@adventure-works.com | Steve Masters | 712-555-0170 | 752513276 | Steve | M | 2019-11-08 | Masters | adventure-works\steve0 | S | F | 20 | 1 | 712-555-0170 | 35 | 2019-11-08 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 31 | |||||
179 | 12.45 | 1998-03-02 | Production | suchitra0@adventure-works.com | Suchitra Mohan | 753-555-0129 | 754372876 | Suchitra | F | 2019-11-09 | Mohan | adventure-works\suchitra0 | M | O | 18 | 1 | 753-555-0129 | 27 | 2019-11-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 15 | |||||
180 | 27.4038 | 1989-02-08 | Information Services | karen1@adventure-works.com | Karen Berg | 654-555-0177 | 58317344 | Karen | F | 2019-11-09 | Berg | adventure-works\karen1 | S | A | 44 | 2 | 654-555-0177 | 1 | 57 | 2019-11-09 | Current | Application Specialist | 74 | ||||
181 | 14 | 1995-08-31 | Production | terrence0@adventure-works.com | Terrence Earls | 110-555-0115 | 404159499 | Terrence | M | 2019-11-09 | Earls | adventure-works\terrence0 | S | W | 147 | 1 | 110-555-0115 | 26 | 2019-11-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 13 | |||||
182 | 26.4423 | 1986-09-26 | Finance | barbara1@adventure-works.com | Barbara Moreland | 822-555-0145 | 363910111 | Barbara | F | 2019-11-11 | Moreland | adventure-works\barbara1 | M | C | 142 | 2 | 822-555-0145 | 1 | 49 | 2019-11-11 | Current | Accountant | 58 | ||||
183 | 11 | 2001-04-26 | Production | chad0@adventure-works.com | Chad Niswonger | 559-555-0175 | 599942664 | Chad | M | 2019-11-11 | Niswonger | adventure-works\chad0 | M | W | 40 | 1 | 559-555-0175 | 69 | 2019-11-11 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 99 | |||||
184 | 9.5 | 1988-06-05 | Production | rostislav0@adventure-works.com | Rostislav Shabalin | 751-555-0134 | 993310268 | Rostislav | M | 2019-11-12 | Shabalin | adventure-works\rostislav0 | M | E | 138 | 1 | 751-555-0134 | 40 | 2019-11-12 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 40 | |||||
185 | 10 | 1985-12-07 | Production | belinda0@adventure-works.com | Belinda Newman | 319-555-0126 | 20244403 | Belinda | F | 2019-11-13 | Newman | adventure-works\belinda0 | S | M | 201 | 1 | 319-555-0126 | 61 | 2019-11-13 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 83 | |||||
186 | 25 | 1995-08-11 | Production | katie0@adventure-works.com | Katie McAskill-White | 809-555-0133 | 862951447 | Katie | F | 2019-11-13 | McAskill-White | adventure-works\katie0 | S | L | 23 | 2 | 809-555-0133 | 41 | 2019-11-13 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC20 | 42 | |||||
187 | 9.5 | 1992-11-03 | Production | russell1@adventure-works.com | Russell King | 517-555-0122 | 551346974 | Russell | M | 2019-11-14 | King | adventure-works\russell1 | M | M | 188 | 1 | 517-555-0122 | 32 | 2019-11-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 24 | |||||
188 | 25 | 1994-03-14 | Production | jack0@adventure-works.com | Jack Richins | 552-555-0111 | 60114406 | Jack | M | 2019-11-14 | Richins | adventure-works\jack0 | S | S | 23 | 2 | 552-555-0111 | 54 | 2019-11-14 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC30 | 68 | |||||
189 | 25 | 1999-05-30 | Production | andrew0@adventure-works.com | Andrew Hill | 908-555-0159 | 33237992 | Andrew | M | 2019-11-15 | Hill | adventure-works\andrew0 | S | R | 23 | 2 | 908-555-0159 | 52 | 2019-11-15 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC10 | 65 | |||||
190 | 15 | 1996-12-30 | Production | nicole0@adventure-works.com | Nicole Holliday | 508-555-0129 | 1300049 | Nicole | F | 2019-11-15 | Holliday | adventure-works\nicole0 | M | B | 89 | 1 | 508-555-0129 | 53 | 2019-11-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 67 | |||||
191 | 11 | 1982-04-15 | Production | frank1@adventure-works.com | Frank Miller | 167-555-0139 | 10708100 | Frank | M | 2019-11-16 | Miller | adventure-works\frank1 | S | T | 16 | 1 | 167-555-0139 | 25 | 2019-11-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 10 | |||||
192 | 32.4519 | 1991-02-18 | Information Services | peter1@adventure-works.com | Peter Connelly | 310-555-0133 | 672243793 | Peter | M | 2019-11-16 | Connelly | adventure-works\peter1 | S | I | 154 | 2 | 310-555-0133 | 54 | 2019-11-16 | Current | Network Administrator | 69 | |||||
193 | 14 | 1985-05-28 | Production | anibal0@adventure-works.com | Anibal Sousa | 106-555-0120 | 63761469 | Anibal | F | 2019-11-16 | Sousa | adventure-works\anibal0 | S | T | 111 | 1 | 106-555-0120 | 24 | 2019-11-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 8 | |||||
194 | 15 | 1992-02-18 | Production | ken1@adventure-works.com | Ken Myer | 949-555-0174 | 693168613 | Ken | M | 2019-11-17 | Myer | adventure-works\ken1 | M | L | 214 | 1 | 949-555-0174 | 45 | 2019-11-17 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 51 | |||||
195 | 13.9423 | 1987-01-07 | Human Resources | grant0@adventure-works.com | Grant Culbertson | 955-555-0131 | 476980013 | Grant | M | 2019-11-18 | Culbertson | adventure-works\grant0 | S | N | 32 | 2 | 955-555-0131 | 46 | 2019-11-18 | Current | Human Resources Administrative Assistant | 53 | |||||
196 | 11 | 2000-03-07 | Production | michael4@adventure-works.com | Michael Entin | 817-555-0186 | 334834274 | Michael | M | 2019-11-18 | Entin | adventure-works\michael4 | S | T | 40 | 1 | 817-555-0186 | 67 | 2019-11-18 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 94 | |||||
197 | 10 | 1998-12-05 | Production | lionel0@adventure-works.com | Lionel Penuchot | 450-555-0152 | 399658727 | Lionel | M | 2019-11-19 | Penuchot | adventure-works\lionel0 | S | C | 163 | 1 | 450-555-0152 | 59 | 2019-11-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 78 | |||||
198 | 12.45 | 1996-10-02 | Production | thomas0@adventure-works.com | Thomas Michaels | 278-555-0118 | 500412746 | Thomas | M | 2019-11-19 | Michaels | adventure-works\thomas0 | M | R | 9 | 1 | 278-555-0118 | 38 | 2019-11-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 37 | |||||
199 | 9 | 2001-07-24 | Shipping and Receiving | jimmy0@adventure-works.com | Jimmy Bischoff | 927-555-0168 | 652779496 | Jimmy | M | 2019-11-19 | Bischoff | adventure-works\jimmy0 | M | T | 87 | 1 | 927-555-0168 | 68 | 2019-11-19 | Current | Stocker | 96 | |||||
200 | 9.5 | 1993-06-10 | Production | michael5@adventure-works.com | Michael Vanderhyde | 296-555-0121 | 878395493 | Michael | M | 2019-11-19 | Vanderhyde | adventure-works\michael5 | M | T | 138 | 1 | 296-555-0121 | 37 | 2019-11-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 35 | |||||
201 | 25 | 1991-04-10 | Production | lori0@adventure-works.com | Lori Kane | 289-555-0196 | 332349500 | Lori | F | 2019-11-19 | Kane | adventure-works\lori0 | S | A | 23 | 2 | 289-555-0196 | 58 | 2019-11-19 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC45 | 76 | |||||
202 | 18.2692 | 1985-05-13 | Purchasing | arvind0@adventure-works.com | Arvind Rao | 848-555-0163 | 792847334 | Arvind | M | 2019-11-21 | Rao | adventure-works\arvind0 | M | B | 278 | 2 | 848-555-0163 | 50 | 2019-11-21 | Current | Buyer | 60 | |||||
203 | 14 | 1986-09-12 | Production | stefen0@adventure-works.com | Stefen Hesse | 165-555-0113 | 621932914 | Stefen | M | 2019-11-21 | Hesse | adventure-works\stefen0 | S | A | 186 | 1 | 165-555-0113 | 29 | 2019-11-21 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 19 | |||||
204 | 28.8462 | 1988-07-18 | Quality Assurance | hazem0@adventure-works.com | Hazem Abolrous | 869-555-0125 | 398223854 | Hazem | M | 2019-11-21 | Abolrous | adventure-works\hazem0 | S | E | 23 | 2 | 869-555-0125 | 1 | 60 | 2019-11-21 | Current | Quality Assurance Manager | 80 | ||||
205 | 19 | 1989-11-29 | Finance | janet0@adventure-works.com | Janet Sheperdigian | 393-555-0186 | 519756660 | Janet | F | 2019-11-22 | Sheperdigian | adventure-works\janet0 | M | L | 142 | 2 | 393-555-0186 | 52 | 2019-11-22 | Current | Accounts Payable Specialist | 64 | |||||
206 | 11 | 2000-10-17 | Production | elizabeth0@adventure-works.com | Elizabeth Keyser | 318-555-0137 | 912141525 | Elizabeth | F | 2019-11-23 | Keyser | adventure-works\elizabeth0 | M | I | 76 | 1 | 318-555-0137 | 22 | 2019-11-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 5 | |||||
207 | 14.4231 | 1996-10-27 | Marketing | terry0@adventure-works.com | Terry Eminhizer | 138-555-0118 | 243322160 | Terry | M | 2019-11-23 | Eminhizer | adventure-works\terry0 | M | J | 7 | 2 | 138-555-0118 | 42 | 2019-11-23 | Current | Marketing Specialist | 44 | |||||
208 | 9.5 | 1992-12-14 | Production | john3@adventure-works.com | John Frum | 663-555-0172 | 568626529 | John | M | 2019-11-24 | Frum | adventure-works\john3 | S | N | 188 | 1 | 663-555-0172 | 33 | 2019-11-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 27 | |||||
209 | 9.5 | 1994-02-02 | Production | merav0@adventure-works.com | Merav Netz | 224-555-0187 | 301435199 | Merav | F | 2019-11-24 | Netz | adventure-works\merav0 | M | A | 177 | 1 | 224-555-0187 | 43 | 2019-11-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 46 | |||||
210 | 16 | 1995-05-04 | Production Control | brian1@adventure-works.com | Brian LaMee | 313-555-0196 | 368691270 | Brian | M | 2019-11-24 | LaMee | adventure-works\brian1 | M | P | 46 | 2 | 313-555-0196 | 44 | 2019-11-24 | Current | Scheduling Assistant | 48 | |||||
211 | 11 | 1998-02-26 | Production | kitti0@adventure-works.com | Kitti Lertpiriyasuwat | 785-555-0132 | 211789056 | Kitti | F | 2019-11-25 | Lertpiriyasuwat | adventure-works\kitti0 | S | H | 40 | 1 | 785-555-0132 | 64 | 2019-11-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 89 | |||||
212 | 12.45 | 1986-11-03 | Production | jay0@adventure-works.com | Jay Adams | 407-555-0165 | 63179277 | Jay | M | 2019-11-26 | Adams | adventure-works\jay0 | S | G | 20 | 1 | 407-555-0165 | 36 | 2019-11-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 32 | |||||
213 | 9.5 | 1985-08-07 | Production | jan0@adventure-works.com | Jan Miksovsky | 139-555-0131 | 587567941 | Jan | M | 2019-11-26 | Miksovsky | adventure-works\jan0 | S | S | 188 | 1 | 139-555-0131 | 35 | 2019-11-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 30 | |||||
214 | 25 | 1993-11-20 | Production | brenda0@adventure-works.com | Brenda Diaz | 142-555-0139 | 634335025 | Brenda | F | 2019-11-26 | Diaz | adventure-works\brenda0 | M | M | 23 | 2 | 142-555-0139 | 55 | 2019-11-26 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC40 | 71 | |||||
215 | 10 | 1999-06-17 | Production | andrew1@adventure-works.com | Andrew Cencini | 207-555-0192 | 65848458 | Andrew | M | 2019-11-27 | Cencini | adventure-works\andrew1 | S | M | 126 | 1 | 207-555-0192 | 56 | 2019-11-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 73 | |||||
216 | 16.8269 | 1998-02-15 | Document Control | chris1@adventure-works.com | Chris Norred | 575-555-0126 | 260805477 | Chris | M | 2019-11-27 | Norred | adventure-works\chris1 | M | K | 92 | 2 | 575-555-0126 | 57 | 2019-11-27 | Current | Control Specialist | 75 | |||||
217 | 12.45 | 1997-04-29 | Production | chris2@adventure-works.com | Chris Okelberry | 315-555-0144 | 442121106 | Chris | M | 2019-11-28 | Okelberry | adventure-works\chris2 | S | O | 18 | 1 | 315-555-0144 | 28 | 2019-11-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 16 | |||||
218 | 14 | 1997-08-30 | Production | shelley0@adventure-works.com | Shelley Dyck | 991-555-0184 | 300946911 | Shelley | F | 2019-11-28 | Dyck | adventure-works\shelley0 | S | N | 147 | 1 | 991-555-0184 | 27 | 2019-11-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 14 | |||||
219 | 15 | 1999-01-31 | Production | gabe0@adventure-works.com | Gabe Mares | 310-555-0117 | 440379437 | Gabe | M | 2019-11-29 | Mares | adventure-works\gabe0 | M | B | 214 | 1 | 310-555-0117 | 48 | 2019-11-29 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 57 | |||||
220 | 26.4423 | 1990-03-23 | Finance | mike0@adventure-works.com | Mike Seamans | 927-555-0150 | 480951955 | Mike | M | 2019-11-29 | Seamans | adventure-works\mike0 | S | K | 142 | 2 | 927-555-0150 | 1 | 49 | 2019-11-29 | Current | Accountant | 59 | ||||
221 | 42.4808 | 1995-08-23 | Research and Development | michael6@adventure-works.com | Michael Raheem | 330-555-2568 | 879342154 | Michael | M | 2020-01-24 | Raheem | adventure-works\michael6 | M | 162 | 2 | 330-555-2568 | 1 | 64 | 2020-01-24 | Current | Research and Development Manager | 16 | |||||
222 | 24.0385 | 1981-11-10 | Facilities and Maintenance | gary1@adventure-works.com | Gary Altman | 110-555-0112 | 141165819 | Gary | M | 2020-08-24 | Altman | adventure-works\gary1 | M | E. | 152 | 2 | 110-555-0112 | 1 | 63 | 2020-08-24 | Current | Facilities Manager | 86 | ||||
223 | 12.45 | 1982-05-25 | Production | charles0@adventure-works.com | Charles Fitzgerald | 931-555-0118 | 537092325 | Charles | M | 2020-08-25 | Fitzgerald | adventure-works\charles0 | S | B | 20 | 1 | 931-555-0118 | 33 | 2020-08-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 27 | |||||
224 | 13.45 | 1997-06-14 | Production | ebru0@adventure-works.com | Ebru Ersan | 202-555-0187 | 455563743 | Ebru | M | 2020-08-28 | Ersan | adventure-works\ebru0 | S | N | 27 | 1 | 202-555-0187 | 66 | 2020-08-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 93 | |||||
225 | 14 | 1981-08-04 | Production | sylvester0@adventure-works.com | Sylvester Valdez | 492-555-0174 | 701156975 | Sylvester | M | 2020-09-02 | Valdez | adventure-works\sylvester0 | M | A | 111 | 1 | 492-555-0174 | 22 | 2020-09-02 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 4 | |||||
226 | 15 | 1981-09-14 | Production | brian2@adventure-works.com | Brian Goldstein | 730-555-0117 | 1662732 | Brian | M | 2020-09-02 | Goldstein | adventure-works\brian2 | S | Richard | 53 | 1 | 730-555-0117 | 51 | 2020-09-02 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 63 | |||||
227 | 18.2692 | 1981-08-22 | Purchasing | linda2@adventure-works.com | Linda Meisner | 916-555-0165 | 407505660 | Linda | F | 2020-09-08 | Meisner | adventure-works\linda2 | M | P | 278 | 2 | 916-555-0165 | 48 | 2020-09-08 | Current | Buyer | 56 | |||||
228 | 13.45 | 1953-09-08 | Production | betsy0@adventure-works.com | Betsy Stadick | 405-555-0171 | 294148271 | Betsy | F | 2020-09-09 | Stadick | adventure-works\betsy0 | S | A | 66 | 1 | 405-555-0171 | 69 | 2020-09-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 99 | |||||
229 | 9.75 | 1982-05-19 | Facilities and Maintenance | magnus0@adventure-works.com | Magnus Hedlund | 583-555-0182 | 552560652 | Magnus | M | 2020-09-12 | Hedlund | adventure-works\magnus0 | M | E | 222 | 2 | 583-555-0182 | 63 | 2020-09-12 | Current | Facilities Administrative Assistant | 87 | |||||
230 | 12.45 | 1980-11-27 | Production | karan0@adventure-works.com | Karan Khanna | 447-555-0186 | 834186596 | Karan | M | 2020-09-13 | Khanna | adventure-works\karan0 | S | R | 20 | 1 | 447-555-0186 | 34 | 2020-09-13 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 28 | |||||
231 | 13.45 | 1997-06-11 | Production | mary1@adventure-works.com | Mary Baker | 283-555-0185 | 717889520 | Mary | F | 2020-09-16 | Baker | adventure-works\mary1 | M | R | 27 | 1 | 283-555-0185 | 67 | 2020-09-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 94 | |||||
232 | 13.45 | 1997-06-11 | Production | kevin2@adventure-works.com | Kevin Homer | 555-555-0113 | 801365500 | Kevin | M | 2020-09-16 | Homer | adventure-works\kevin2 | S | M | 27 | 1 | 555-555-0113 | 65 | 2020-09-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 90 | |||||
233 | 15 | 1981-11-29 | Production | mihail0@adventure-works.com | Mihail Frintu | 733-555-0128 | 413787783 | Mihail | M | 2020-09-20 | Frintu | adventure-works\mihail0 | S | U | 53 | 1 | 733-555-0128 | 52 | 2020-09-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 64 | |||||
234 | 13.45 | 1997-06-02 | Production | bonnie0@adventure-works.com | Bonnie Kearney | 264-555-0150 | 109272464 | Bonnie | F | 2020-09-23 | Kearney | adventure-works\bonnie0 | M | N | 189 | 1 | 264-555-0150 | 64 | 2020-09-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 89 | |||||
235 | 18.2692 | 1981-08-16 | Purchasing | fukiko0@adventure-works.com | Fukiko Ogisu | 520-555-0177 | 482810518 | Fukiko | M | 2020-09-26 | Ogisu | adventure-works\fukiko0 | M | J | 278 | 2 | 520-555-0177 | 48 | 2020-09-26 | Current | Buyer | 57 | |||||
236 | 14 | 1982-07-15 | Production | hung-fu0@adventure-works.com | Hung-Fu Ting | 497-555-0181 | 113393530 | Hung-Fu | M | 2020-09-28 | Ting | adventure-works\hung-fu0 | S | T | 111 | 1 | 497-555-0181 | 20 | 2020-09-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 0 | |||||
237 | 18.2692 | 1953-08-21 | Purchasing | gordon0@adventure-works.com | Gordon Hee | 230-555-0144 | 466142721 | Gordon | M | 2020-10-03 | Hee | adventure-works\gordon0 | M | L | 278 | 2 | 230-555-0144 | 46 | 2020-10-03 | Current | Buyer | 52 | |||||
238 | 13.45 | 1997-06-05 | Production | kimberly0@adventure-works.com | Kimberly Zimmerman | 123-555-0167 | 390124815 | Kimberly | F | 2020-10-04 | Zimmerman | adventure-works\kimberly0 | S | B | 66 | 1 | 123-555-0167 | 67 | 2020-10-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 95 | |||||
239 | 12.45 | 1953-09-05 | Production | kim1@adventure-works.com | Kim Abercrombie | 208-555-0114 | 6298838 | Kim | F | 2020-10-08 | Abercrombie | adventure-works\kim1 | M | B | 18 | 1 | 208-555-0114 | 32 | 2020-10-08 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 24 | |||||
240 | 15 | 1981-08-25 | Production | sandeep0@adventure-works.com | Sandeep Kaliyath | 166-555-0156 | 943170460 | Sandeep | M | 2020-10-09 | Kaliyath | adventure-works\sandeep0 | S | P | 53 | 1 | 166-555-0156 | 52 | 2020-10-09 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 65 | |||||
241 | 14 | 1964-01-21 | Production | prasanna0@adventure-works.com | Prasanna Samarawickrama | 129-555-0199 | 339233463 | Prasanna | M | 2020-10-14 | Samarawickrama | adventure-works\prasanna0 | M | E | 111 | 1 | 129-555-0199 | 22 | 2020-10-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 5 | |||||
242 | 18.2692 | 1963-02-02 | Purchasing | frank2@adventure-works.com | Frank Pellow | 163-555-0147 | 367453993 | Frank | M | 2020-10-15 | Pellow | adventure-works\frank2 | M | S | 278 | 2 | 163-555-0147 | 49 | 2020-10-15 | Current | Buyer | 58 | |||||
243 | 14 | 1985-06-02 | Production | min0@adventure-works.com | Min Su | 590-555-0152 | 872923042 | Min | M | 2020-10-16 | Su | adventure-works\min0 | M | G | 111 | 1 | 590-555-0152 | 20 | 2020-10-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 1 | |||||
244 | 15 | 1953-08-30 | Production | eric1@adventure-works.com | Eric Brown | 680-555-0118 | 697712387 | Eric | M | 2020-10-16 | Brown | adventure-works\eric1 | M | L | 53 | 1 | 680-555-0118 | 50 | 2020-10-16 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 60 | |||||
245 | 18.2692 | 1983-06-10 | Purchasing | eric2@adventure-works.com | Eric Kurjan | 265-555-0195 | 381073001 | Eric | M | 2020-10-19 | Kurjan | adventure-works\eric2 | S | S | 278 | 2 | 265-555-0195 | 47 | 2020-10-19 | Current | Buyer | 54 | |||||
246 | 9.25 | 1981-08-25 | Facilities and Maintenance | pat0@adventure-works.com | Pat Coleman | 720-555-0158 | 646304055 | Pat | M | 2020-10-19 | Coleman | adventure-works\pat0 | S | H | 51 | 1 | 720-555-0158 | 64 | 2020-10-19 | Current | Janitor | 89 | |||||
247 | 12.45 | 1965-10-22 | Production | maciej0@adventure-works.com | Maciej Dusza | 237-555-0128 | 414476027 | Maciej | M | 2020-10-21 | Dusza | adventure-works\maciej0 | S | W | 20 | 1 | 237-555-0128 | 35 | 2020-10-21 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 30 | |||||
248 | 18.2692 | 1981-09-26 | Purchasing | erin0@adventure-works.com | Erin Hagens | 842-555-0158 | 785853949 | Erin | F | 2020-10-23 | Hagens | adventure-works\erin0 | S | M | 278 | 2 | 842-555-0158 | 46 | 2020-10-23 | Current | Buyer | 53 | |||||
249 | 13.45 | 1997-06-02 | Production | patrick0@adventure-works.com | Patrick Wedge | 413-555-0124 | 90888098 | Patrick | M | 2020-10-24 | Wedge | adventure-works\patrick0 | S | C | 66 | 1 | 413-555-0124 | 68 | 2020-10-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 96 | |||||
250 | 15 | 1962-11-23 | Production | frank3@adventure-works.com | Frank Martinez | 203-555-0196 | 947029962 | Frank | M | 2020-10-28 | Martinez | adventure-works\frank3 | M | R | 53 | 1 | 203-555-0196 | 53 | 2020-10-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 66 | |||||
251 | 12.45 | 1982-06-03 | Production | ed0@adventure-works.com | Ed Dudenhoefer | 919-555-0140 | 461786517 | Ed | M | 2020-10-28 | Dudenhoefer | adventure-works\ed0 | S | R | 18 | 1 | 919-555-0140 | 32 | 2020-10-28 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 25 | |||||
252 | 13.45 | 1997-06-23 | Production | christopher0@adventure-works.com | Christopher Hill | 153-555-0166 | 393421437 | Christopher | M | 2020-10-31 | Hill | adventure-works\christopher0 | M | E | 27 | 1 | 153-555-0166 | 65 | 2020-10-31 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 91 | |||||
253 | 15 | 1984-09-14 | Production | patrick1@adventure-works.com | Patrick Cook | 425-555-0117 | 988315686 | Patrick | M | 2020-11-04 | Cook | adventure-works\patrick1 | M | M | 53 | 1 | 425-555-0117 | 50 | 2020-11-04 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 61 | |||||
254 | 14 | 1982-05-28 | Production | krishna0@adventure-works.com | Krishna Sunkammurali | 491-555-0183 | 56772045 | Krishna | M | 2020-11-05 | Sunkammurali | adventure-works\krishna0 | S | 111 | 1 | 491-555-0183 | 21 | 2020-11-05 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 2 | ||||||
255 | 9.25 | 1981-04-22 | Facilities and Maintenance | lori1@adventure-works.com | Lori Penor | 295-555-0161 | 879334904 | Lori | F | 2020-11-08 | Penor | adventure-works\lori1 | M | K | 51 | 1 | 295-555-0161 | 65 | 2020-11-08 | Current | Janitor | 90 | |||||
256 | 13.45 | 1997-05-30 | Production | danielle0@adventure-works.com | Danielle Tiedt | 500-555-0172 | 82638150 | Danielle | F | 2020-11-12 | Tiedt | adventure-works\danielle0 | S | C | 66 | 1 | 500-555-0172 | 68 | 2020-11-12 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 97 | |||||
257 | 10.5769 | 1953-08-27 | Quality Assurance | sootha0@adventure-works.com | Sootha Charncherngkha | 325-555-0137 | 343861179 | Sootha | M | 2020-11-15 | Charncherngkha | adventure-works\sootha0 | M | T | 43 | 2 | 325-555-0137 | 62 | 2020-11-15 | Current | Quality Assurance Technician | 85 | |||||
258 | 12.45 | 1984-05-28 | Production | michael7@adventure-works.com | Michael Zwilling | 582-555-0148 | 582347317 | Michael | M | 2020-11-15 | Zwilling | adventure-works\michael7 | S | J | 20 | 1 | 582-555-0148 | 33 | 2020-11-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 26 | |||||
259 | 12.45 | 1981-01-18 | Production | randy0@adventure-works.com | Randy Reeves | 961-555-0122 | 8066363 | Randy | M | 2020-11-15 | Reeves | adventure-works\randy0 | M | T | 20 | 1 | 961-555-0122 | 34 | 2020-11-15 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 29 | |||||
260 | 13.45 | 1997-06-20 | Production | john4@adventure-works.com | John Kane | 254-555-0114 | 561196580 | John | M | 2020-11-19 | Kane | adventure-works\john4 | S | T | 27 | 1 | 254-555-0114 | 66 | 2020-11-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 92 | |||||
261 | 15 | 1984-05-21 | Production | jack1@adventure-works.com | Jack Creasey | 521-555-0113 | 58791499 | Jack | M | 2020-11-23 | Creasey | adventure-works\jack1 | S | T | 53 | 1 | 521-555-0113 | 51 | 2020-11-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 62 | |||||
262 | 14 | 1980-12-25 | Production | olinda0@adventure-works.com | Olinda Turner | 306-555-0186 | 163347032 | Olinda | F | 2020-11-24 | Turner | adventure-works\olinda0 | S | C | 111 | 1 | 306-555-0186 | 21 | 2020-11-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 3 | |||||
263 | 9.25 | 1982-09-08 | Facilities and Maintenance | stuart1@adventure-works.com | Stuart Macrae | 539-555-0149 | 28414965 | Stuart | M | 2020-11-25 | Macrae | adventure-works\stuart1 | M | J | 51 | 1 | 539-555-0149 | 64 | 2020-11-25 | Current | Janitor | 88 | |||||
264 | 9.25 | 1965-01-14 | Facilities and Maintenance | jo1@adventure-works.com | Jo Berry | 228-555-0159 | 153479919 | Jo | F | 2020-11-27 | Berry | adventure-works\jo1 | M | L | 51 | 1 | 228-555-0159 | 65 | 2020-11-27 | Current | Janitor | 91 | |||||
265 | 18.2692 | 1984-02-24 | Purchasing | ben0@adventure-works.com | Ben Miller | 151-555-0113 | 20269531 | Ben | M | 2020-11-29 | Miller | adventure-works\ben0 | M | T | 278 | 2 | 151-555-0113 | 47 | 2020-11-29 | Current | Buyer | 55 | |||||
266 | 13.45 | 1997-06-23 | Production | tom0@adventure-works.com | Tom Vande Velde | 295-555-0161 | 826454897 | Tom | M | 2020-11-30 | Vande Velde | adventure-works\tom0 | M | M | 66 | 1 | 295-555-0161 | 69 | 2020-11-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 98 | |||||
267 | 28.8462 | 1988-10-09 | Tool Design | ovidiu0@adventure-works.com | Ovidiu Cracium | 719-555-0181 | 974026903 | Ovidiu | M | 2021-08-27 | Cracium | adventure-works\ovidiu0 | S | V | 3 | 2 | 719-555-0181 | 23 | 2021-08-27 | Current | Senior Tool Designer | 7 | |||||
268 | 12.75 | 1988-10-21 | Purchasing | annette0@adventure-works.com | Annette Hill | 125-555-0196 | 437296311 | Annette | F | 2021-08-28 | Hill | adventure-works\annette0 | M | L | 278 | 2 | 125-555-0196 | 45 | 2021-08-28 | Current | Purchasing Assistant | 50 | |||||
269 | 25 | 2000-02-18 | Tool Design | janice0@adventure-works.com | Janice Galvin | 473-555-0117 | 486228782 | Janice | F | 2021-09-14 | Galvin | adventure-works\janice0 | M | M | 267 | 2 | 473-555-0117 | 24 | 2021-09-14 | Current | Tool Designer | 8 | |||||
270 | 12.75 | 1988-10-09 | Purchasing | reinout0@adventure-works.com | Reinout Hillmann | 370-555-0163 | 280633567 | Reinout | M | 2021-09-16 | Hillmann | adventure-works\reinout0 | M | N | 278 | 2 | 370-555-0163 | 45 | 2021-09-16 | Current | Purchasing Assistant | 51 | |||||
271 | 36.0577 | 1990-03-08 | Engineering | michael8@adventure-works.com | Michael Sullivan | 465-555-0156 | 42487730 | Michael | M | 2021-09-21 | Sullivan | adventure-works\michael8 | S | I | 3 | 2 | 465-555-0156 | 1 | 21 | 2021-09-21 | Current | Senior Design Engineer | 3 | ||||
272 | 48.101 | 1962-07-09 | Sales | stephen0@adventure-works.com | Stephen Jiang | 238-555-0197 | 502097814 | Stephen | M | 2021-09-26 | Jiang | adventure-works\stephen0 | M | Y | 277 | 2 | 238-555-0197 | 1 | 1 | 27 | 2021-09-26 | Current | North American Sales Manager | 14 | |||
273 | 13.4615 | 1985-12-07 | Marketing | wanida0@adventure-works.com | Wanida Benshoof | 708-555-0141 | 323403273 | Wanida | F | 2021-09-29 | Benshoof | adventure-works\wanida0 | M | M | 7 | 2 | 708-555-0141 | 40 | 2021-09-29 | Current | Marketing Assistant | 41 | |||||
274 | 32.6923 | 1972-01-23 | Engineering | sharon0@adventure-works.com | Sharon Salavaria | 970-555-0138 | 56920285 | Sharon | F | 2021-10-10 | Salavaria | adventure-works\sharon0 | M | B | 3 | 2 | 970-555-0138 | 1 | 22 | 2021-10-10 | Current | Design Engineer | 4 | ||||
275 | 14.4231 | 1988-11-26 | Marketing | john5@adventure-works.com | John Wood | 486-555-0150 | 222969461 | John | M | 2021-10-30 | Wood | adventure-works\john5 | S | L | 7 | 2 | 486-555-0150 | 44 | 2021-10-30 | Current | Marketing Specialist | 48 | |||||
276 | 13.4615 | 1988-10-21 | Marketing | mary2@adventure-works.com | Mary Dempsey | 124-555-0114 | 52541318 | Mary | F | 2021-11-06 | Dempsey | adventure-works\mary2 | S | A | 7 | 2 | 124-555-0114 | 41 | 2021-11-06 | Current | Marketing Assistant | 43 | |||||
277 | 72.1154 | 1988-02-27 | Sales | brian3@adventure-works.com | Brian Welcker | 716-555-0127 | 112432117 | Brian | M | 2021-11-07 | Welcker | adventure-works\brian3 | S | S | 112 | 2 | 716-555-0127 | 1 | 25 | 2021-11-07 | Current | Vice President of Sales | 10 | ||||
278 | 30 | 1988-11-02 | Purchasing | sheela0@adventure-works.com | Sheela Word | 210-555-0193 | 895209680 | 2022-04-21 | Sheela | F | 2021-11-17 | Word | adventure-works\sheela0 | S | H | 73 | 2 | 210-555-0193 | 1 | 44 | 2021-11-17 | Purchasing Manager | 49 | ||||
279 | 30 | 1988-11-02 | Purchasing | sheela0@adventure-works.com | Sheela Word | 210-555-0193 | 895209680 | 2023-04-06 | Sheela | F | 2021-11-17 | Word | adventure-works\sheela0 | S | H | 73 | 2 | 210-555-0193 | 1 | 44 | 2022-04-22 | Purchasing Manager | 49 | ||||
280 | 30 | 1988-11-02 | Purchasing | sheela0@adventure-works.com | Sheela Word | 210-555-0193 | 895209680 | Sheela | F | 2021-11-17 | Word | adventure-works\sheela0 | S | H | 73 | 2 | 210-555-0193 | 1 | 44 | 2023-04-07 | Current | Purchasing Manager | 49 | ||||
281 | 23.0769 | 1979-09-17 | Sales | 2 | michael9@adventure-works.com | Michael Blythe | 257-555-0154 | 841560125 | Michael | M | 2022-02-20 | Blythe | adventure-works\michael9 | S | G | 272 | 2 | 257-555-0154 | 1 | 1 | 39 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 38 | ||
282 | 23.0769 | 1990-11-19 | Sales | 4 | linda3@adventure-works.com | Linda Mitchell | 883-555-0116 | 191644724 | Linda | F | 2022-02-20 | Mitchell | adventure-works\linda3 | M | C | 272 | 2 | 883-555-0116 | 1 | 1 | 33 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 27 | ||
283 | 23.0769 | 1973-05-21 | Sales | 3 | jillian0@adventure-works.com | Jillian Carson | 517-555-0117 | 615389812 | Jillian | F | 2022-02-20 | Carson | adventure-works\jillian0 | S | 272 | 2 | 517-555-0117 | 1 | 1 | 32 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 24 | |||
284 | 23.0769 | 1985-10-27 | Sales | 6 | garrett1@adventure-works.com | Garrett Vargas | 922-555-0165 | 234474252 | Garrett | M | 2022-02-20 | Vargas | adventure-works\garrett1 | M | R | 272 | 2 | 922-555-0165 | 1 | 1 | 36 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 33 | ||
285 | 23.0769 | 1984-10-10 | Sales | 5 | tsvi0@adventure-works.com | Tsvi Reiter | 664-555-0112 | 716374314 | Tsvi | M | 2022-02-20 | Reiter | adventure-works\tsvi0 | M | Michael | 272 | 2 | 664-555-0112 | 1 | 1 | 34 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 29 | ||
286 | 23.0769 | 1985-08-28 | Sales | 1 | pamela0@adventure-works.com | Pamela Ansman-Wolfe | 340-555-0193 | 61161660 | Pamela | F | 2022-02-20 | Ansman-Wolfe | adventure-works\pamela0 | S | O | 272 | 2 | 340-555-0193 | 1 | 1 | 31 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 22 | ||
287 | 23.0769 | 1954-11-30 | Sales | 4 | shu0@adventure-works.com | Shu Ito | 330-555-0120 | 139397894 | Shu | M | 2022-02-20 | Ito | adventure-works\shu0 | M | K | 272 | 2 | 330-555-0120 | 1 | 1 | 33 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 26 | ||
288 | 23.0769 | 1950-09-02 | Sales | 6 | josé1@adventure-works.com | José Saraiva | 185-555-0169 | 399771412 | José | M | 2022-02-20 | Saraiva | adventure-works\josé1 | M | Edvaldo | 272 | 2 | 185-555-0169 | 1 | 1 | 35 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 31 | ||
289 | 23.0769 | 1984-11-03 | Sales | 1 | david8@adventure-works.com | David Campbell | 740-555-0182 | 987554265 | David | M | 2022-02-20 | Campbell | adventure-works\david8 | S | R | 272 | 2 | 740-555-0182 | 1 | 1 | 31 | 2022-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 23 | ||
290 | 48.101 | 1968-06-12 | Sales | amy0@adventure-works.com | Amy Alberts | 775-555-0164 | 982310417 | Amy | F | 2023-01-07 | Alberts | adventure-works\amy0 | M | E | 277 | 2 | 775-555-0164 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 2023-01-07 | Current | European Sales Manager | 21 | |||
291 | 23.0769 | 1978-12-08 | Sales | 10 | jae0@adventure-works.com | Jae Pak | 1 (11) 500 555-0145 | 668991357 | Jae | F | 2023-02-20 | Pak | adventure-works\jae0 | M | B | 290 | 2 | 1 (11) 500 555-0145 | 1 | 1 | 38 | 2023-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 37 | ||
292 | 23.0769 | 1986-06-22 | Sales | 7 | ranjit0@adventure-works.com | Ranjit Varkey Chudukatil | 1 (11) 500 555-0117 | 134219713 | Ranjit | M | 2023-02-20 | Varkey Chudukatil | adventure-works\ranjit0 | S | R | 290 | 2 | 1 (11) 500 555-0117 | 1 | 1 | 37 | 2023-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 34 | ||
293 | 23.0769 | 1988-09-27 | Sales | 1 | tete0@adventure-works.com | Tete Mensa-Annan | 615-555-0153 | 90836195 | Tete | M | 2023-06-23 | Mensa-Annan | adventure-works\tete0 | M | A | 272 | 2 | 615-555-0153 | 1 | 1 | 39 | 2023-06-23 | Current | Sales Representative | 39 | ||
294 | 48.101 | 1985-10-03 | Sales | syed0@adventure-works.com | Syed Abbas | 926-555-0182 | 481044938 | Syed | M | 2023-12-05 | Abbas | adventure-works\syed0 | M | E | 277 | 2 | 926-555-0182 | 1 | 1 | 30 | 2023-12-05 | Current | Pacific Sales Manager | 20 | |||
295 | 23.0769 | 1986-03-31 | Sales | 8 | rachel0@adventure-works.com | Rachel Valdez | 1 (11) 500 555-0140 | 954276278 | Rachel | F | 2024-02-20 | Valdez | adventure-works\rachel0 | S | B | 290 | 2 | 1 (11) 500 555-0140 | 1 | 1 | 37 | 2024-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 35 | ||
296 | 23.0769 | 1981-12-08 | Sales | 9 | lynn0@adventure-works.com | Lynn Tsoflias | 1 (11) 500 555-0190 | 758596752 | Lynn | F | 2024-02-20 | Tsoflias | adventure-works\lynn0 | S | N | 294 | 2 | 1 (11) 500 555-0190 | 1 | 1 | 38 | 2024-02-20 | Current | Sales Representative | 36 |
Generated 2025-03-22 17:21:50.477 UTC