296 items
DimEmployeeId | BaseRate | BirthDate | Department | DimSalesTerritoryId | EmailAddress | EmergencyContactName | EmergencyContactPhone | EmployeeNationalIDAlternateKey | EndDate | FirstName | Gender | HireDate | LastName | LoginID | MaritalStatus | MiddleName | ParentEmployeeId | PayFrequency | Phone | Photo | SalariedFlag | SalesPersonFlag | SickLeaveHours | StartDate | Status | Title | VacationHours |
1 | 12.45 | 1992-11-29 | Production | guy1@adventure-works.com | Guy Gilbert | 320-555-0195 | 14417807 | Guy | M | 2017-02-14 | Gilbert | adventure-works\guy1 | M | R | 18 | 1 | 320-555-0195 | 30 | 2017-02-14 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 21 | |||||
2 | 13.4615 | 1997-12-18 | Marketing | kevin0@adventure-works.com | Kevin Brown | 150-555-0189 | 253022876 | Kevin | M | 2017-09-12 | Brown | adventure-works\kevin0 | S | F | 7 | 2 | 150-555-0189 | 41 | 2017-09-12 | Current | Marketing Assistant | 42 | |||||
3 | 43.2692 | 1985-06-29 | Engineering | roberto0@adventure-works.com | Roberto Tamburello | 212-555-0187 | 509647174 | Roberto | M | 2018-06-28 | Tamburello | adventure-works\roberto0 | M | 14 | 2 | 212-555-0187 | 1 | 21 | 2018-06-28 | Current | Engineering Manager | 2 | |||||
4 | 29.8462 | 1985-08-09 | Tool Design | rob0@adventure-works.com | Rob Walters | 612-555-0100 | 112457891 | 2021-01-14 | Rob | M | 2018-07-22 | Walters | adventure-works\rob0 | S | 3 | 2 | 612-555-0100 | 80 | 2018-07-22 | Senior Tool Designer | 48 | ||||||
5 | 29.8462 | 1985-08-09 | Tool Design | rob0@adventure-works.com | Rob Walters | 612-555-0100 | 112457891 | Rob | M | 2018-07-22 | Walters | adventure-works\rob0 | S | 3 | 2 | 612-555-0100 | 80 | 2021-01-14 | Current | Senior Tool Designer | 48 | ||||||
6 | 25 | 1970-03-15 | Tool Design | thierry0@adventure-works.com | Thierry D'Hers | 168-555-0183 | 480168528 | Thierry | M | 2018-07-28 | D'Hers | adventure-works\thierry0 | M | B | 267 | 2 | 168-555-0183 | 24 | 2018-07-28 | Current | Tool Designer | 9 | |||||
7 | 37.5 | 1985-11-03 | Marketing | david0@adventure-works.com | David Bradley | 913-555-0172 | 24756624 | 2020-02-29 | David | M | 2018-08-06 | Bradley | adventure-works\david0 | S | M | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0172 | 1 | 40 | 2018-08-06 | Marketing Manager | 40 | ||||
8 | 37.5 | 1985-11-03 | Marketing | david0@adventure-works.com | David Bradley | 913-555-0172 | 24756624 | David | M | 2018-08-06 | Bradley | adventure-works\david0 | S | M | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0172 | 1 | 40 | 2020-03-01 | Current | Marketing Manager | 40 | ||||
9 | 25 | 1966-09-02 | Production | jolynn0@adventure-works.com | JoLynn Dobney | 903-555-0145 | 309738752 | JoLynn | F | 2018-08-12 | Dobney | adventure-works\jolynn0 | S | M | 23 | 2 | 903-555-0145 | 61 | 2018-08-12 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 82 | |||||
10 | 13.45 | 1967-01-20 | Production | ruth0@adventure-works.com | Ruth Ellerbrock | 145-555-0130 | 690627818 | Ruth | F | 2018-08-23 | Ellerbrock | adventure-works\ruth0 | M | Ann | 189 | 1 | 145-555-0130 | 61 | 2018-08-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 83 | |||||
11 | 32.6923 | 1963-05-15 | Engineering | gail0@adventure-works.com | Gail Erickson | 849-555-0139 | 695256908 | Gail | F | 2018-08-23 | Erickson | adventure-works\gail0 | M | A | 3 | 2 | 849-555-0139 | 1 | 22 | 2018-08-23 | Current | Design Engineer | 5 | ||||
12 | 13.45 | 1966-11-11 | Production | barry0@adventure-works.com | Barry Johnson | 206-555-0180 | 912265825 | Barry | M | 2018-08-24 | Johnson | adventure-works\barry0 | S | K | 189 | 1 | 206-555-0180 | 64 | 2018-08-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 88 | |||||
13 | 32.6923 | 1969-10-26 | Engineering | jossef0@adventure-works.com | Jossef Goldberg | 122-555-0189 | 998320692 | Jossef | M | 2018-09-10 | Goldberg | adventure-works\jossef0 | M | H | 3 | 2 | 122-555-0189 | 1 | 23 | 2018-09-10 | Current | Design Engineer | 6 | ||||
14 | 63.4615 | 1982-03-18 | Engineering | terri0@adventure-works.com | Terri Duffy | 819-555-0175 | 245797967 | Terri | F | 2018-09-17 | Duffy | adventure-works\terri0 | S | Lee | 112 | 2 | 819-555-0175 | 1 | 20 | 2018-09-17 | Current | Vice President of Engineering | 1 | ||||
15 | 13.45 | 1967-04-17 | Production | sidney0@adventure-works.com | Sidney Higa | 424-555-0189 | 844973625 | Sidney | M | 2018-09-19 | Higa | adventure-works\sidney0 | M | M | 189 | 1 | 424-555-0189 | 62 | 2018-09-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 84 | |||||
16 | 25 | 1966-11-17 | Production | taylor0@adventure-works.com | Taylor Maxwell | 508-555-0165 | 233069302 | Taylor | M | 2018-09-25 | Maxwell | adventure-works\taylor0 | M | R | 23 | 2 | 508-555-0165 | 59 | 2018-09-25 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC50 | 79 | |||||
17 | 13.45 | 1967-02-26 | Production | jeffrey0@adventure-works.com | Jeffrey Ford | 984-555-0185 | 132674823 | Jeffrey | M | 2018-10-07 | Ford | adventure-works\jeffrey0 | S | L | 189 | 1 | 984-555-0185 | 62 | 2018-10-07 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 85 | |||||
18 | 25 | 1967-05-26 | Production | jo0@adventure-works.com | Jo Brown | 632-555-0129 | 446466105 | Jo | F | 2018-10-14 | Brown | adventure-works\jo0 | S | A | 23 | 2 | 632-555-0129 | 60 | 2018-10-14 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 80 | |||||
19 | 13.45 | 1966-11-20 | Production | doris0@adventure-works.com | Doris Hartwig | 328-555-0150 | 565090917 | Doris | F | 2018-10-26 | Hartwig | adventure-works\doris0 | M | M | 189 | 1 | 328-555-0150 | 63 | 2018-10-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 86 | |||||
20 | 25 | 1967-03-25 | Production | john0@adventure-works.com | John Campbell | 435-555-0113 | 494170342 | John | M | 2018-11-02 | Campbell | adventure-works\john0 | M | T | 23 | 2 | 435-555-0113 | 60 | 2018-11-02 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC60 | 81 | |||||
21 | 13.45 | 1966-11-14 | Production | diane0@adventure-works.com | Diane Glimp | 202-555-0151 | 9659517 | Diane | F | 2018-11-13 | Glimp | adventure-works\diane0 | M | R | 189 | 1 | 202-555-0151 | 63 | 2018-11-13 | Current | Production Technician - WC10 | 87 | |||||
22 | 9.5 | 1987-12-30 | Production | steven0@adventure-works.com | Steven Selikoff | 925-555-0114 | 443968955 | Steven | M | 2019-07-19 | Selikoff | adventure-works\steven0 | M | T | 177 | 1 | 925-555-0114 | 40 | 2019-07-19 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 41 | |||||
23 | 24.5192 | 1993-06-20 | Production Control | peter0@adventure-works.com | Peter Krebs | 913-555-0196 | 277173473 | Peter | M | 2019-07-19 | Krebs | adventure-works\peter0 | M | J | 112 | 2 | 913-555-0196 | 1 | 41 | 2019-07-19 | Current | Production Control Manager | 43 | ||||
24 | 10 | 1973-04-30 | Production | stuart0@adventure-works.com | Stuart Munson | 413-555-0136 | 835460180 | Stuart | M | 2019-07-20 | Munson | adventure-works\stuart0 | S | V | 201 | 1 | 413-555-0136 | 62 | 2019-07-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 84 | |||||
25 | 10 | 1986-12-02 | Production | greg0@adventure-works.com | Greg Alderson | 332-555-0150 | 687685941 | Greg | M | 2019-07-20 | Alderson | adventure-works\greg0 | S | F | 201 | 1 | 332-555-0150 | 62 | 2019-07-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 85 | |||||
26 | 9.5 | 1990-06-19 | Production | david1@adventure-works.com | David Johnson | 166-555-0162 | 498138869 | David | M | 2019-07-20 | Johnson | adventure-works\david1 | S | N | 188 | 1 | 166-555-0162 | 32 | 2019-07-20 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 25 | |||||
27 | 25 | 1994-06-12 | Production | zheng0@adventure-works.com | Zheng Mu | 113-555-0173 | 360868122 | Zheng | M | 2019-07-21 | Mu | adventure-works\zheng0 | S | W | 23 | 2 | 113-555-0173 | 53 | 2019-07-21 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC10 | 66 | |||||
28 | 14 | 1992-08-20 | Production | ivo0@adventure-works.com | Ivo Salmre | 115-555-0179 | 964089218 | Ivo | M | 2019-07-22 | Salmre | adventure-works\ivo0 | M | William | 111 | 1 | 115-555-0179 | 24 | 2019-07-22 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 9 | |||||
29 | 15 | 1991-07-01 | Production | paul0@adventure-works.com | Paul Komosinski | 147-555-0160 | 384162788 | Paul | M | 2019-07-22 | Komosinski | adventure-works\paul0 | S | B | 89 | 1 | 147-555-0160 | 54 | 2019-07-22 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 68 | |||||
30 | 32.4519 | 1987-11-12 | Information Services | ashvini0@adventure-works.com | Ashvini Sharma | 656-555-0119 | 749389530 | Ashvini | M | 2019-07-22 | Sharma | adventure-works\ashvini0 | S | R | 154 | 2 | 656-555-0119 | 55 | 2019-07-22 | Current | Network Administrator | 70 | |||||
31 | 11 | 1997-01-14 | Production | kendall0@adventure-works.com | Kendall Keil | 138-555-0128 | 571658797 | Kendall | M | 2019-07-23 | Keil | adventure-works\kendall0 | M | C | 16 | 1 | 138-555-0128 | 25 | 2019-07-23 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 11 | |||||
32 | 27.1394 | 1986-09-28 | Human Resources | paula0@adventure-works.com | Paula Barreto de Mattos | 523-555-0175 | 535145551 | Paula | F | 2019-07-24 | Barreto de Mattos | adventure-works\paula0 | M | M | 143 | 2 | 523-555-0175 | 1 | 47 | 2019-07-24 | Current | Human Resources Manager | 54 | ||||
33 | 15 | 1999-07-23 | Production | alejandro0@adventure-works.com | Alejandro McGuel | 668-555-0130 | 761597760 | Alejandro | M | 2019-07-24 | McGuel | adventure-works\alejandro0 | S | E | 214 | 1 | 668-555-0130 | 46 | 2019-07-24 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 52 | |||||
34 | 9.5 | 1995-04-12 | Production | garrett0@adventure-works.com | Garrett Young | 609-555-0179 | 271438431 | Garrett | M | 2019-07-25 | Young | adventure-works\garrett0 | S | R | 188 | 1 | 609-555-0179 | 37 | 2019-07-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 34 | |||||
35 | 9.5 | 1994-03-13 | Production | jianshuo0@adventure-works.com | Jian Shuo Wang | 952-555-0178 | 160739235 | Jian Shuo | M | 2019-07-25 | Wang | adventure-works\jianshuo0 | S | 138 | 1 | 952-555-0178 | 38 | 2019-07-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC30 | 36 | ||||||
36 | 9 | 1988-10-04 | Shipping and Receiving | susan0@adventure-works.com | Susan Eaton | 943-555-0196 | 586486572 | Susan | F | 2019-07-25 | Eaton | adventure-works\susan0 | S | W | 87 | 1 | 943-555-0196 | 68 | 2019-07-25 | Current | Stocker | 97 | |||||
37 | 9.5 | 1987-11-03 | Shipping and Receiving | vamsi0@adventure-works.com | Vamsi Kuppa | 937-555-0137 | 337752649 | Vamsi | M | 2019-07-25 | Kuppa | adventure-works\vamsi0 | M | N | 87 | 2 | 937-555-0137 | 67 | 2019-07-25 | Current | Shipping and Receiving Clerk | 95 | |||||
38 | 11 | 1988-09-12 | Production | alice0@adventure-works.com | Alice Ciccu | 333-555-0173 | 113695504 | Alice | F | 2019-07-25 | Ciccu | adventure-works\alice0 | M | O | 40 | 1 | 333-555-0173 | 67 | 2019-07-25 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 95 | |||||
39 | 12.45 | 2001-01-01 | Production | simon0@adventure-works.com | Simon Rapier | 963-555-0134 | 276751903 | Simon | M | 2019-07-26 | Rapier | adventure-works\simon0 | S | D | 9 | 1 | 963-555-0134 | 39 | 2019-07-26 | Current | Production Technician - WC60 | 38 | |||||
40 | 25 | 1999-09-23 | Production | jinghao0@adventure-works.com | Jinghao Liu | 794-555-0159 | 630184120 | Jinghao | M | 2019-07-26 | Liu | adventure-works\jinghao0 | S | K | 23 | 2 | 794-555-0159 | 58 | 2019-07-26 | Current | Production Supervisor - WC50 | 77 | |||||
41 | 14 | 2001-01-01 | Production | michael0@adventure-works.com | Michael Hines | 218-555-0126 | 545337468 | Michael | M | 2019-07-27 | Hines | adventure-works\michael0 | S | T | 186 | 1 | 218-555-0126 | 30 | 2019-07-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC20 | 20 | |||||
42 | 10 | 1999-12-01 | Production | yvonne0@adventure-works.com | Yvonne McKay | 286-555-0189 | 713403643 | Yvonne | F | 2019-07-27 | McKay | adventure-works\yvonne0 | M | S | 163 | 1 | 286-555-0189 | 59 | 2019-07-27 | Current | Production Technician - WC45 | 79 | |||||
43 | 21.6346 | 1986-11-03 | Quality Assurance | peng0@adventure-works.com | Peng Wu | 164-555-0164 | 885055826 | Peng | M | 2019-07-27 | Wu | adventure-works\peng0 | M | J | 204 | 2 | 164-555-0164 | 1 | 60 | 2019-07-27 | Current | Quality Assurance Supervisor | 81 | ||||
44 | 50.4808 | 1986-07-30 | Information Services | jean0@adventure-works.com | Jean Trenary | 685-555-0120 | 441044382 | Jean | F | 2019-07-29 | Trenary | adventure-works\jean0 | S | E | 112 | 2 | 685-555-0120 | 1 | 52 | 2019-07-29 | Current | Information Services Manager | 65 | ||||
45 | 11 | 1983-07-13 | Production | russell0@adventure-works.com | Russell Hunter | 786-555-0144 | 718299860 | Russell | M | 2019-07-30 | Hunter | adventure-works\russell0 | M | 76 | 1 | 786-555-0144 | 23 | 2019-07-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC50 | 6 | ||||||
46 | 23.5577 | 1979-05-05 | Production Control | ascott0@adventure-works.com | A. Scott Wright | 992-555-0194 | 685233686 | A. Scott | M | 2019-07-30 | Wright | adventure-works\ascott0 | S | 23 | 2 | 992-555-0194 | 42 | 2019-07-30 | Current | Master Scheduler | 44 | ||||||
47 | 15 | 2000-02-10 | Production | fred0@adventure-works.com | Fred Northup | 818-555-0192 | 295971920 | Fred | M | 2019-07-30 | Northup | adventure-works\fred0 | S | T | 214 | 1 | 818-555-0192 | 43 | 2019-07-30 | Current | Production Technician - WC40 | 47 | |||||
48 | 14.4231 | 1998-01-05 | Marketing | sariya0@adventure-works.com | Sariya Harnpadoungsataya | 399-555-0176 | 95958330 | Sariya | M | 2019-07-30 | Harnpadoungsataya | adventure-works\sariya0 | S | E | 7 | 2 | 399-555-0176 |