[ROOT] / doc / toc / ARCQuery / Class / QueryProgress

AdditionalJavascriptUrlEncoder , DataStorage , ExecutedQueries , GetHTMLLinksToIndividualQueryParts , NextQueryToExecute , OrderAndReconstructKeys , PreviousQueryJustExecuted , Result , ToHTMLSimpleSingle , ToJSONSerializeable , ToString

Keeps track of execution of query (that is, a query consisting of multiple QueryExpression), and also stores final result.

Contains a special version of ToHTMLSimpleSingle which is necessary in order to present the final result because a query result:
1) Is a uniform collection (of identical type), and
2) Has a 'location' URL-wise that is very difficult to generate relative links for.
Therefore, the standard ToHTMLSimpleSingle method is not very well suited.

Recognized for instance by RQController in ARAAPI.

AdditionalJavascriptUrlEncoderReturns the Javascript code for converting characters that are difficult to pass in URLs to a format understood by Decode.
DataStorageNote how this property will point to the hierarhical level in the data storage from which the first QueryExpression was found in the query string.
ExecutedQueriesThe result from calling Execute for each query in Queries.
GetHTMLLinksToIndividualQueryPartsIs able to generate the following:
NextQueryToExecuteTODO: This is somewhat loosely associated.
OrderAndReconstructKeysPart 1:
PreviousQueryJustExecutedTODO: This is somewhat loosely associated.
ResultThis gets updated continously as the different query expressions get evaluated.
ToHTMLSimpleSingleAlternative ('override') to ToHTMLSimpleSingle.
ToJSONSerializeableOverride of default interface method ToJSONSerializeable is necessary because resulting data is 'hidden' within Result.
ToStringTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.


Generated 2024-04-23 07:34:05.972 UTC