[ROOT] / doc / toc / ARCQuery / Class / QueryProgress / OrderAndReconstructKeys

Part 1:
Order keys either:
a) According to last QueryExpressionSelect, or (if no SELECT found)
b) Alphabetically.

Part 2:
Will also attempt to reconstruct keys to the more strongly typed PK- based on keys found for input parameter strCurrentType.
Because queries may be in multiple steps, the original strongly typed key may not be carried through the different QueryExpressions.

Example: For 'Customer/All', 'Customer/SELECT *', 'Customer/WHERE ...' we would have the original key already, because the query result will consist of the original (whole) Customer-objects.
But for a query like 'Customer/SELECT Name, Address' new temporary objects are created, usually with IKString as type.

The original PK is necessary in order for instance for PKHTMLAttribute to do its work.


Generated 2024-05-03 12:18:45.994 UTC